Saturday, May 22, 2010

busy beavers

Hi friends! Well, I am trying to get things back to normal. I think we have made it so that most searches done will come up clean. By that I mean I have removed most of the lingo that could bother someone. Anyway......I had to send you the very short and sweet email stating the new address, it was the only way I could let you all know. Sorry there was no message in the email, my time is limited. :o) It is kinda fitting that we change the email address now anyway. It was 2 years ago on May 24th that we had our terrible accident happen to Annie. God has done amazing things with and through my girl over the past two years and now it is time He do great thing with and through His villages. We are excited about the upcoming years and look forward to the future. Please continue to pray for our family. MY PLAN is to write a newsletter this week sometime and send that out to all of you. I don't know if it will happen with the many other things that have to happen before we depart from the Wake Forest area, but... it is my PLAN!!

We spent all of the day today cheering on Alex as he played in the State Championship game in flag football. It was an all day event. He played 3 games and won the first 2 which put his team into the final game and then unfortunately they lost that game. Long day, but Alex enjoyed every minute of it! It was a nice way for him to end our time here in WF. I am really tired and hope all of you are enjoying a wonderful weekend!

On the agenda for tomorrow is a Toby Mac concert. We promised the kids that if we could get them to a concert before we left, we would. So, timing is bad, but tomorrow it is! We can't wait! love you all! Missy

Take note

Hi friends, take note of the address above, it will be the new one from now on. Hope you like it. You won't have to log in anymore. Love you all! Missy