Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Yea! We get to go back to Mexico!!

Well, the Dr. looked at Annie and said we could go back to Mexico! Hooray! We are all ready to leave Galveston. It has been a great place to be if you are stuck somewhere, however, we are now ready to leave. The doctor said she may have some scarring on her waist area, we are going to pray that she doesn't! He said it could take up to 3-4 more weeks for that area to be healed. Not exactly what we were hoping for, but, we'll take it!! He told us she could only take baths in purified water, not real easy in Mexico, but it should make life interesting! She saw the psychologist again today and she gave us some more pain medicine for her bath time, we are hoping that will ease some of the pain at this time of day.

What to do now? Well, our plan is to fly out of Texas to Puebla, Mexico. That is where our boss lives and his wife, Jennifer worked in a burn unit for 3 years. She will be able to help us if we see Annie isn't healing properly. There is also a very nice hospital there if needed. We will be staying in a mission house there until we head to Guatemala for an annual mission meeting with our company. We should be returning to our home in Mexico sometime in early July. That is the tentative plan anyway. I will continue to keep everyone updated on Annie until we can say she is completely healed. We love you and covet your prayers for the upcoming weeks as we will be traveling, we will be in different environments, and we are getting pretty tired.
These pictures are of Annie using her right hand to Putt Putt and of Annie with her two biggest fans, Jerod and Alex. I will add more pictures to the slideshow soon! Love you!!