Saturday, July 31, 2010

Last day with the team.

This was our team's last day and we took them to a fun tourist spot. This is called, Janitzio and it is a Purepecha island. They live off of tourism and we helped their economy! This is the team in front of a very famous statue. It is at the top of the island and when you get to the top you can climb up inside of the statue and peek out of his hand. They all enjoyed doing that!

This was at the restaurant where we ate. The three of the boys in the front were dancers that do a typical Purepecha dance. They were the owner's grandsons and they did a dance just for us.
This is the statue of a man named Morelos. I took this when they were in the hand. I will have to post another one where you can actually see Rachael in the hand.

This island is called, Janitzio and it is a Purepecha island. They live off of tourism and we helped their economy!
Do you appreciate your water? Imagine having to carry your bottles of water up to your home. There are a ton of stairs here because the island spirals up to the top and their are no cars, horses, donkeys or anything to help them with this job they rely on good old fashion shoulders!
This little girl was too precious! I took more of her but only had time to download one. She was just standing there by herself and wanted to see her photo after it was taken.

One thing that they sell a lot of is fish. These little fish are just simple minnows. Now for some people eating fried minnows with eyes and a tail is no big deal. For Racheal and I it is tough. However, she arose to the occasion and took the plunge.
"I can't believe I am doing this!"
"Oh it's grose! I mean really grose!" As you can see, Alex was enjoying this!

This was the little guy after Racheal got ahold of him!

"Okay, I am doing it, see!"

"I did it!" I am with Racheal, not exactly something I will willingly do again!

This is how they are sold. Some actually have their mouth open. Yuck! Greg loves them. He is weird!

Please pray for us this week as we will be traveling. Pray all goes well with travels and we have no delays of any kind! Pray also for my sweet friend Fair. I talked to her last night and she is doing well but does need prayer for quick healing. Pray also for a friend of mine named Krista. She lost her father yesterday and I know she and her family are suffering. She is my age and her father was a very well known person among our company. Thanks for praying for us. We always need it. So if you are thinking about us for any reason, pray! Love you! Missy

Okay, so this is out of order. This was of Jim, Annie and me on the boat that takes you to the island.