Friday, May 24, 2013

Interview with Annie

I am going to be interviewing Annie about the accident she had 5 years ago today, she was 4 when it happened.

ME: Annie what do you remember?

A: I was looking for something to do and I found some rubber ants and I was showing everyone that was there. Everyone thought they were cool. I went in the kitchen and put them on Angelica's arm to try and scare her. She acted scared and I laughed. I was laughing and walking backwards and that is when I fell into the big tub of Mole. I started screaming really hard. I screamed so hard that Mada, ( our very old neighbor) came running inside to see what happened. She saw me naked and hanging upside down.   They carried me outside and started running cold water all over me. They put pajamas on me and ran me to my Daddy (who was about a half a mile down the road) and screamed what had happened. Then they drove to meet my mama and we sped off to the big city. We got to the hospital and they put cords on me and they hurt really bad, I asked them to take it off, but they couldn't. I don't remember what happened after that. The next thing I remember (which was a day later) was we all got on a plane and my family wasn't there. I said in Spanish, "Where is my family?" The man said, they are outside but they will come soon.

I don't remember much after that. I remember bits and pieces.
I remember:
Taking baths and screaming and crying during them. This is the only time I remember feeling pain.
Comfy couch house
The comfy couch and eating cheese cubes and watching movies.
When Keri Franz saw my hand and fainted! ;o) Haha!
Finding shells with Mama Say and Honey
Remember getting my favorite doll from Mama Say and Meredith, she is still my favorite, her name is Sarah.
I remember riding around in the wagon and people staring at me.
I remember leaving the comfy couch house and being very sad to go.
I didn't like wearing my body suit, but I got used to it.
 I liked getting Dora stickers every time I went to the hospital, but I did NOT like physical therapy.
I remember falling on my bottom into the Mole, but I really think that an angel's wing protected my bottom so that I could sit comfortably.

That is about all I remember.

ME: So Annie, now that you have gone through all of that, how do you feel about it all?

A: I think that it was a horrible accident that happened. But... then God used that to build a church. Now a lot of people are Christians and have heard about Jesus because of my accident.  Some people think it is amazing I am alive and that God healed me. He showed them that He can do miracles.

ME: Are you sad that it happened?

A: No, well sometimes.

ME: Why?

A: Because sometimes it still hurts and itches a lot. Sometimes I scratch it so much it will bleed. But I think  if you love Jesus more than your life, some pain is worth it. I like to sing this song in Spanish and it goes like this: Te amo mas que mi vida, Te amo mas que mi vida, Te amo mas que mi vida.
That means I love you more than my life, I love you more than my life, I love you more than my life.
There is more, but that is all I sing.

ME: Anything you want to tell people that are going through a tough time like you went through?

A: Don't worry, God will protect you and I know how you feel.

Love, Missy and Annie

This was a few hours after the accident and we were trying to figure out what our next step was going to be.

The next step was to have Annie flown to another larger city and put on a private jet. 

Jerod and Alex thought all of this was quite exciting! 

Annie wasn't as excited. 

She received excellent care and attention at Shriners Hospital in Galveston, TX.

Her physical therapist made the biggest impression on Annie and she still remembers her today. 

 Annie was spoiled and loved all of her soft blankies. 

 Keri was a star and helped Annie get back to feeling better. 

Thank you all for your prayers for Annie during her time of need. She truly is our miracle and we thank God for His protection over her! Love you all, Missy and family