Monday, June 8, 2009

While you were sleeping.....

Hello friends, sorry it has been a few days! I have been battling a few things. A cold or flu ( oink oink, just kidding) and a stomach infection after that. Needless to say the past few days haven't exactly been fun. However, life must go on and I did have my party on Saturday. It went well. I will tell you more about that tomorrow. Right now I need to tell you what happened while you were sleeping!

Last night about 2 in the morning 3 (EST) I was still awake and didn't know why. I just was lying in my bed waiting to fall asleep when the cell phone rang. I jumped up and saw it was our friend's number and quickly answered it. I found out that our friend, S (alcoholic) pictured above had started drinking and beat his wife, A. A is one of my dearest friends. She is the rock in this family, precious, precious woman. Please pray. I am writing this with tears in my eyes. I love her. It isn't fair that someone has to indure this kind of life. It isn't fair. When will it stop she asked me. What can I say to her? When he kills you. S is a wonderful man when he is sober. However, when he drinks he is evil. All together evil. This not only effected Angelica but her 2 sons, M and C, their 2 wives, R and O and her daughter Lupita. (pictured here with them) They all live together.
We just so happened to have an overnight guest (another m) staying with us for the night and so we left the kids with him and Greg and I headed to their home to see just what had happened. When we get there everything was calm. A's face was all swollen, she probably looks pretty bad today. Sal was in jail, for the night, and C and M were very sad. We went in and found out that S had started beating A, C (21) went in to defend her and then S started fighting him. Then M tried to stop that fight and he was hit too. It was then the 2 of them against him, with A trying to make them all stop.
Then people from the streets came in to break up the fight and it became one big fight. You can just imagine. The police came, took Sal to jail (this is just customary) to sleep it off and he was released this morning.
Now Greg is down at their home trying to talk some sense into S. It is so hard when Greg stands at least 2 feet taller than S and Greg would like to defend A himself. However, he has gone down there to show the love of Christ and try and talk to this man and see if he can somehow change his way of thinking. Knowing that only Christ can really change this man when this man wants to be changed. It is a tough, all of the kids want to leave and live in other places, however they don't want to leave their mama to defend herself. Oh, my heart hurts. Please pray for us. Love to you, Missy