Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Having a lot of fun!!

Hi everyone!! I am having a great time! Oh, my kids are having the time of their lives too! Alex was blessed with a counselor that has more energy than he does and it has been awesome to watch their whole cabin run everywhere! Jerod has had a little harder time fitting in because of his age. The boys in his cabin aren't into running everywhere they are more into being cool and some are saying things/words that make Jerod feel uncomfortable. So, if you think about it, please pray for Jerod. He is having fun, just on a different scale than Alex.

I will try and post some photos soon. I haven't had Internet access nor cell phone access so I am pretty isolated as far as communication goes. Annie and I have been working hard because they are short staffed because it is the last session and school has started in many areas. Thanks for remembering us. Pray we will all stay healthy as there is always a crud going around! Love to you all! Missy