Tuesday, October 26, 2010

young love

Hi friends,

For some reason I never have time until now, which is midnight to do anything. Of course I had some time earlier and we had no internet. Then when I have no more energy left, oh yay, internet is up again. Sometimes this life just wears on a person! Oh, but I am not complaining. My life is just cherries compared to most. We came back from church tonight and we heard of two young couples who are having trouble. One couple is separated right now because the girl's parents walked in on her husband beating her up.  The other couple is having problems and they have only been together for a few weeks she has already had 2 black eyes. In this culture it is just normal for this to happen, but oh how it makes me angry. I just want to beat some little kiddos bottoms. I mean, these aren't grown ups, they are still kids. Some of the men are 18 or 20 but the girls are 15 or 16. So you can imagine how mad this makes us. Anyway, please pray for these couples. Their parents come to us for help. "Please help us with our kids, they need to change." They want help with their children but they allowed them to get married so young just because it is cultural. That is where I just have to shake my head and wonder what they are thinking.

Adolfo....We showed up to visit him tonight and they said he was talking to Greg and I last night. Of course we weren't there last night. I think..."Oh he is starting to hallucinate" Greg says, "There were many times when God spoke to people through visions. See, 20 hours later, here we are." I love my husband, we think so differently and that is why I love him. He makes me soooo much better!  Okay, I am muy tired so I am gonna go to sleep now. Love to you all! Missy