Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Hi everyone!

Okay so you know that our yard has been an issue for some time now. It has been like a lake for about a month. I hated it. Our dog hated it. Everytime he came inside I would have to clean off his paws b/c there would be mud all over them. It was NOT fun. Well.... after our wonderful 3 day marathon of VBS in the village ( which was a blessing in every way!) we arrived home at about 5:00 pm on Saturday and so did this.

Now any other day I would have been overjoyed to see this heap of grass arrive. However after running myself ragged for 3 days straight all I saw was work. So it was another Amazing Race challenge! We worked together as a family and by around 8:30 we had a new lawn. And.... we were smack tired! Jerod isn't in these pictures b/c he was inside the house mopping up all of the mud that was brought into the house with the wheel barrow. So he did his part too!

This is what our yard looked like last week.

 This was me and Greg after we moved dirt all over the backyard  to try and make it level. Above is the picture after we got it level. Of course we did that in the rain.  We made lots of memories!
This is Annie and Alex after we laid down the sod.

These are their muddy feet!

Those are Greg's shoes.

These are mine. All of that is stuck to my shoes.

This was our yard after we got it all down.

Here our Annie and my feet afterwards.

That is one happy dog! His first home with grass!

So happy, so blessed!