Sunday, December 19, 2010

Doghouse videos!

Okay, I normally don't put things like this on here. However, I think these are toooo funny. I have watched them over and over. Maybe it is because I have a stupid sense of humor but my boys, my husband and I have all laughed a lot when watching these. I posted them in reverse order, so make sure you watch the first one Beware of  the Doghouse first and then watch Return to the Doghouse. The first one is about 4 minutes and the second one is about 3 minutes. I think it will be 7 minutes you will laugh! Anyway, hope you like my Christmas cheer!

I am happy to have my husband back with me. I never really said that he was gone, but he was away in Costa Rica for a week and oh how I missed him! So, no matter what he buys me, he is already out of the doghouse, because he is in my house! I must say these videos reminded me of him 3 years ago when he got me some jewelry cleaner for  a gift. ALL of my jewelry was in a safety deposit box at the time so I just looked at him and laughed. We are still out of our area and will be for a little while longer. Love to you all! Missy

Return to the Doghouse

Watch this one second! It is sooo funny! I had to share it!

JC Penney: Beware of the Doghouse