Thursday, December 4, 2008

Our 3 Christmas Angels

Annie's favorite Christmas ornament for the moment!

Alex ready to eat his Cap'n Crunch!

Captain Crunch

Hi everyone,

I wanted you all to know that I sent out our monthly newsletter today and if you didn't receive one and would like to, please email me and let me know and I will add you to our list. We have had a good few days. We go shopping one day a week and buy groceries. Going to the grocery store is a family affair and we all enjoy it together. We separate and Jerod and Annie always go with Greg and Alex always goes with me. If I ever need to find anything Alex can ALWAYS find it! His eyes are amazing! Anyway, each week we look to see if we can find any new items that have been sent from the States. As we were walking down the cereal isle which is usually pretty sad because they don't have much that we like, Alex comes a runnin' and says," Mama, Mama can you believe it?" He was holding up a box of Captain Crunch. You should have seen the look on his face. It was as if he had found gold! As we were leaving he said, " This has been the best day of my life!" So I am going to buy every box they have, wrap them up and wala, Christmas shopping done! I am trying without any luck to upload a priceless picture of him and his box of Captain Crunch! I will keep trying!

Tomorrow we leave for Guadalajara for Annie's Dr. appointment. Please pray it all goes well. She has started to have bad dreams again. I don't know if it has anything to do with this or not, but, please pray anyway! We should have internet at the hotel so I will give you an update on how WE did. Yes WE! I think I am more anxious than she is. Her appt. is at 8 am on Saturday, so if you think about it, please pray for us! Thank you all! We love you, Missy