Thursday, August 2, 2018

Refiners Fire

First, let me start by saying, I am actually doing well.  I have finished my CNA (certified nurses assistant) class and am preparing to take my board exam this Tuesday the 7th. Please pray I do well.  I will then look for employment as a CNA with Hospice. I truly feel called to work with patients and their families as they walk the journey I have recently walked. When Greg was on Hospice he was so blessed by our CNA and how much she did for us that he encouraged me to do it as well. I think it gave him a peace knowing a little of what I might do in the future. But the more I thought about it and prayed about it, I felt that it wasn't only what Greg wanted, but what the Lord wanted also. So, in December, I hope to start working in that field. (I need to wait until then for a few different reasons.)

Lately, I have been challenged quite a bit. I have been reading about the refiner's fire in the Bible. I think I have mentioned this in a previous post years ago. I find that I can learn a lot from the process of refining metal/gold.

Psalm 66:10-12
For you, O God have tested us; you have tried us as silver is tried. You brought us into the net; you laid a crushing burden on our backs; you let men ride over our heads; we went through fire and through water, yet you have brought us out to a place of abundance.

1Peter 4:12
Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you.

Over the past few weeks I have felt under attack by satan. There have been numerous things that the Lord has allowed to happen in my life. I could name them off, but honestly, they are no worse than most of the burdens laid on any of you. It has just seemed overwhelming because I am dealing with them by myself ( with God, but without Greg) for the first time in 24 years. I do feel as if the Lord has truly been working on my heart these past few weeks as I have been very discouraged. However, He is so good to me and I never stay discouraged for very long. I have been so blessed to have had such an amazing marriage and I can almost feel Greg's presence as I walk this journey. Greg and I were a great team and it is hard on any team when they lose a key player. Greg was our quarterback and without him, our team sometimes struggles. Grief is hard. It is tough and will sometimes knock you down and out. That is when I feel I am standing in the fire learning things and becoming more refined and truly seeking how I can be the person God wants me to be. I want more than anything to share Jesus with others. I want to use this pain in my life to help people come to know Him the way I do. My heart has been broken but the Lord has given me a new passion in my heart to share with people that are broken and hurting. I can relate to people in a way I never could before. Widow is a very ugly word. But it seems to be the word that the Lord will choose to use for His glory.  That is my prayer. 
God continues to shine on us and answer our prayers in many ways. We asked you to pray for a teacher for Annie for this upcoming year. The Lord heard your prayers and answered them! We feel such a peace about this decision and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is the person God has planned for this job. Our new teacher will be Jessica Lyons. Jessica is an old family friend. She grew up as an Mk as well and we worked closely with her family while serving in Mexico. After high school, Jessica attended Ouachita Baptist Universtiy for a year. She then moved to Colorado to live with her sister and help with her nieces and nephews while working at a restaurant. We couldn't be more excited to have her move to NC in September and live with us! Please pray for her as she makes her way out here. 

Thankful my kids continue to encourage me to do things that are not always easy. This was one of Greg and my favorite places to eat and it was the only place I couldn't bring myself to eat in. So, after I finished school they took me there to celebrate. It was a way to make a good memory there again. 
We missed having Jerod with us! He was busy teaching English in China. It is nice having Alex back after working for World Changers all summer. 

I am so grateful to Ron and Karen Austin for blessing us with a wonderful week at the beach! 
This was also one of Greg's favorite places to eat!
Just a fun van we wanted a picture in front of. 

Enjoying making memories. We missed having Jerod with us, but we will see him soon! 

Playing Putt-Putt, definitely a tradition. Of course, I think my
 hubby helped me win! (Not really, but it is fun to think that way.)

Such sweet moments and then.....

Moment gone, but it was another kind of really good moment! 

This is Janice. She and her husband, Randy have truly taken the verse James 1:27 and lived it out!
James 1:27 Pure religion, undefiled before God and the Father, is this: to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. 
There are many others of you who have also loved on us and you know, and I know, who you are!

The picture above was before Janice paid to get Annie's hair done. 
She wanted it short! Isn't she adorable?

Many of you have asked how Jerod is doing. He has had an amazing, hot, time in China. He is tired and ready to come home. Please pray for Bri, Josh and Jerod as they make their way back home on  Saturday night and Sunday. 

They were making fun of his drawing. 

I love this picture! They have so much fun together! 

I would like to put a plea out for these kids. If you or anyone you know are interested in hosting a teen for the upcoming school year, they still need host families. Jerod and Bri said how sad it was that there were still some 15-year-olds waiting to see if they would be able to come to America to study. The only cost would be their basic needs like food and of course housing. The agency places them with a school. Some attend public and some are sent to private schools. This is an incredible ministry opportunity, I wish I was in a place to do this, but I am not. Here is the link if you are interested.

Greg and I always wanted to go on a cruise together. We had planned on going on one for our 20th anniversary. Due to time restraints and money restraints 😀 we decided to wait until our 25th anniversary. After Greg received his cancer diagnosis we decided not to wait until our 25th anniversary, however, by then, the doctors didn't recommend him traveling outside of the country. So, Jerod, Alex, Annie and I will be taking a cruise this month and celebrating life. I will post pictures on my FB page. Please pray it goes well, the weather is good and NO ONE in our family has any health problems. 

Thank you all for praying for our family and for following us as we walk through some highs and lows. We love you all! Missy

This is just another way we have been encouraged. People from all over the US have sent these beautiful postcards sharing how they are praying for our family. It is a precious reminder of how the body of Christ works.