Thursday, May 29, 2008

Peaceful afternoon for Annie

Hi to all,

Thanks again for your posts and we wish we could respond to all of them. They have been very encouraging. Annie had a good nap this afternoon and we were able to keep her in the house resting from 11:30 this morning on. We had a staff member, Jay Alvaro, from our home church, BBC, arrive today to help as well. We don't have much new news and are looking forward to a good night rest.

Annie has physical therapy at 11:00 tomorrow morning so please pray as she still continues to be nervous walking due to her leg burns. We do have a few new pictures up on the blog and we thank you again for your prayers and we will update tomorrow. Good night.

Tough Morning ;o(

Well, all I can say is that without a lot of prayers, this would be impossible! This morning we went back to the hospital for her bath and physical therapy and it went a little different today than yesterday. They removed her bandages and started scrubbing the wounds. Tears and screams began. This was the first time we (Greg and I) experienced an overwhelming urge to sob. Greg and I both had to have the nurse stop so we could compose ourselves. It was TOUGH!! After about 2 hours of that and Annie saying, " You're a meanie!" to the nurses, we were done! The Dr. checked her and said he was concerned about the area below her waist that suffered a deeper burn and is healing slower. He is going to watch it and we are praying for no surgery. Please pray that with us. We left and went to therapy and her therapist said if she could walk to the other door, she could go home. Annie walked as fast as she could ( about the same rate as a one year old) holding our hands. We left and all she could say was, " I want to go to the house with the comfy couch!" We have been so blessed by so many things and someone here in Texas has offered to let us use their beach home for the next week. It has a very comfy couch and Annie is going to get very spoiled I think! We ask you to keep us in your prayers over the next few days as Greg and I will be doing these baths and we will be the "meanies." Many of you have asked how Jerod and Alex are doing and they are doing great! They have been a huge help to us have tried to make Annie laugh. Mike and Keri have been a godsend. I don't know what we would do without them here! Thank you so much for loving us through your thoughts and prayers! We are off to the comfy couch!