Saturday, February 16, 2013

Annie's Belated B-day

Annie's Birthday is November 24th. However this was not a good time for us to have a celebration because of Thanksgiving. Then we left for the US and never had time to have a party for her. SO... we celebrated last night with her best friend, Lyz. Lyz's father died about 7 months ago and ever since it has been very difficult for her and for her mother. So last night we had a slumber party for Lyz and for her mother. It was a lot of fun and very much needed for all of us! 

We made pizza pockets, which were really quite yummy! 

I really need to buy some candles! 

Annie hasn't liked this tradition in the past, but she thought it was fun last night!

We decided to smother Lyz with icing as well.

My friend, Laura.

This was so much fun! 

I think we might start celebrating all b-days at least twice! 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Just takes one.

Okay friends, I haven't really written like this in quite sometime, but I have something on my heart. A few weeks ago I listened to a sermon by Johnny Hunt via the internet. I love Johnny Hunt, he is really one of my favorites.

The sermon was entitled, ONE - It's A Wonderful Life.  You can watch it here:

This sermon touched me in far more ways than I can even begin to tell you. As you can guess by the title it is about how we are all important and what the world would be like if we weren't in it. Like in the movie It's A Wonderful Life. Johnny talks about Andrew in the Bible and how he isn't a very important person but how he did so many important things behind the scenes. Like finding the boy in the crowd with the 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish (Matthew14).  If he had not found the boy, Jesus would not have had the food to multiply it. Yes, Jesus could have found another way, but that isn't the point. The point is we are all important and we all have a purpose here on this earth.

In homeschool Annie and I have been studying Abraham Lincoln. Did you know that when Abe was a boy he fell into a creek and would have drowned had it not been for his friend, Austin Gollaher who pulled him out of Knob Creek and saved his life. Now let's just think about that. Who are Annie and I studying in homeschool? It surely isn't Austin Gollaher, but without Abe's kind friend, Austin, our country's history could have been drastically changed forever. Who knows? There are many people just like this that are "behind the scene" people. They make changes, plant seeds, do awesome things but we never hear about them. However, they are just as important as those who make history, if not more important.

Okay, so what does that have to do with you? Well... when I was feeling like God was calling me into this field, I did not like it one bit. For many reasons. I didn't know enough about the Bible, I wasn't smart enough, didn't know Spanish, wasn't brave enough, didn't want to leave my family.... etc..etc.. I gave Him every reason in the book why I was the WORST person for this job. However, for whatever reason He chose to take all of my weaknesses and use them for His glory. Who would have ever thought that my stupidity would actually be endearing to my people? It made them feel at ease around me and that helped them to open up to me. Being indigenous, most other people always made them feel stupid, HA, not me, they actually talked better than me and this made them feel good. ONLY God can do things like that. So, when I started thinking about how just one person can make a change it truly encouraged me. I may not be a Bible scholar, I may not have the intelligence that some of my co-workers have, but what I do have I am willing to use for Him. Truly, that is all He wants us to do. So my question for you is, what does He want you to do for Him? It doesn't have to be big, it just has to be   what He wants of you. If we are obedient to Him, which isn't always easy, we will never fail. Each one of us has a purpose, enjoy finding out what yours is!

Love you all! Missy

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

What We've Been Doing....

Hi there friends! I can't keep up with my life. I am going to update very quickly so you can see what we have been doing. We have continually given out shoes as the needs have arisen and they are always presenting themselves and we love doing this. We thank all who have donated shoes to this cause! We celebrated Greg's 44th birthday, gave out fruit that was mentioned in the previous video and celebrated MLK day in school. It was a great month and now we are gearing up for Valentine's Day. I will post pictures of that too. I have another post that I will be posting in the next week, so stay tuned, I won't go so long between posts this time! Love to all! Missy

Precious family we were able to help with shoes. 

This sweetie pie I could have just eaten. 

She was laughing b/c the shoes were for family members not herself, so it looked funny.

She was laughing at me for taking off her shoes. I was teasing her to try and get her to take her shoes off and try on the new ones. They are always embarrassed of their feet and sometimes it takes some begging to get them to actually try on the shoes. 

She was happy she tried them on!

We celebrated Greg's birthday with a bon fire in our backyard. He set up one for Annie's dolls. 

They were roasting marshmallows. Too cute. Annie is very creative!

My friend's lost their dog, and ever since I have been hanging on to mine a little tighter. I love our Max!

We were able to bless this sweet widow with some fruit donated by the church. 

We gave some to this newly widowed woman as well. She was very happy as were her grandchildren!

Annie and I made doughnuts for Greg's birthday and they were really good. They don't look so good, but they really were quite tasty! 

This family came asking for shoes and we were able to bless them with some fun shoes that had been donated.

Greg blowing out his "candles."

This was our MLK day school project. We had fun making it but of course he didn't look too much like that. It wasn't very easy since the head was a white woman to begin with! Annie learned a lot and I did too! 

Hope you all had a great day celebrating Lincoln's birthday today! Annie said we have to make another head to join Martin now. SO, I guess the next head we have will have a full beard! 

Love you all ! Missy