Friday, November 20, 2009

Oh Happy Day!

Party at school! This started off the day and as you can see they were all excited about Thanksgiving!

Annie and Isabella, the only two girls in the class.

She wasn't too sure what to think of this cow!

Annie showing off her Dora costume, you gotta love the boots!

Dora holding a plate with a picture of herself on it!

Annie showing off her party hat!

Annie, her teacher, Mrs. Sorenson and her friend from school, Isabella

Annie with her 6 candles!

Annie, the cow and all of her friends!

Chick-fil-a cow and 'Dora'

"I have never gotten this many presents!!"

"It just never ends! I love it!"

Annie's birthday party was a HUGE success! I have NEVER seen her so excited in all of my life. She was beside herself! She could not believe how much fun eating and playing at Chick-fil-a could really be! It was great! I am not sure what she loved more, her party or dressing up like Dora. It was a little chilly for shorts, but she insisted on that because that is what Dora wears! So...shorts it was! Thanks to everyone who came and made it such a great day for Annie! Her actual birthday isn't until the 24th so if you are wanting to send a card, she would love it! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Love, Missy

These are the pictures from the past few weeks that I promised.
The last football game
Annie during the football game,(doesn't she look interested?)
My friend Robin from college (we spoke at her church a few weeks ago)
Her family
Annie with her new friend Allie (Robin's daughter)

Big day for Annie!

Hi everyone! I am going to do my best to post some pictures from the past few weeks on here in a few minutes, but don't know if it will actually happen or not! ;o} If I don't, I am afraid they will never make it on here because the next week's pictures will take over and it will be too late.

Anyway, today is Annie's big day! She is having a Thanksgiving program in her class today and she is beyond excited! Then.... she will be having her FIRST real birthday party ever!! She cannot wait! I mean, Christmas ain't got nothing on the first birthday party at 6 years old!! The past 5 birthdays she has had a cake and the past 2 she has had a pinata, but never has she had a traditional birthday party with presents and all! She can't believe that her friends will all bring her a present. Once she learned that of course, she wanted to invite everyone she knew! :o) HA!! Our party is going to be at our favorite place on earth.....CHICK-FIL-A!!! We couldn't think of a better way to celebrate her 6th birthday than at her/our favorite restaurant! Annie still remembers that her first Chick-fil-a nuggets were eaten in the hospital cafeteria after she had her accident. That was the one thing she LOVED about that hospital! :o) So, I will have lots of pictures from her parties and I am sure you will see lots of smiles on her face!!

Love to you all!! Missy