Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

New Year's tradition has been born! We decided to end the year with eating a Thanksgiving meal at around 10 pm on New Year's Eve. It was so much fun and this turkey was the best we had ever eaten! Yummy!

As you can see we cleaned that turkey good!

 Oh, how it was delicious!

We took it over to our friend's home, sat around a fire, drank hot cider and then got ready for our meal.

Our menu consisted of Turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, green bean casserole and corn. We served it up for some of our friends to taste for the first time. It was funny to see their expressions when they saw our food. They immediately added tortillas and salsa to the meal which we thought was funny. It seemed to go over pretty well. 

Here are Alex, Clay, and their friend Eto as they got ready for fireworks.

They also hit pinatas in the middle of the street, this is something our kids look forward to ever year! (This was Clay's turn up to whack it)

He was happy with his success! Of course what he got from inside of the pinata he couldn't even pronounce! He is holding it in his hand. It is a kind of vegitable that they cut up and eat with salsa. It looks like a root.

It was a wonderful way to bring in the new year! We love our people and their traditions and we love sharing some of our traditions with them! We hope you all had a great time bringing in the new year with your family and friends! Love to you all!