Monday, June 16, 2008

Making Annie laugh!

Our bath times continue to be very hard. Annie's screams are blood curdling. We have now found one thing that works. Greg's comic relief. This is the ONLY thing that can calm her down after bath time. This picture is of Greg looking into a jar of her medicine and pretending it is ice cream. He always says he is going to eat it and Annie always laughs hysterically. For those of you who think Greg is reserved, think again! Please pray that this time of day would soon be back to normal. None of us look forward to bath time anymore.

We had lunch with our next door neighbor here. She was a friend of ours before now and she and her family have been praying for Annie. Her little girl, Kayla played with Annie and it wasn't long before Annie offered to show Kayla and her mom her burns, ALL of her burns. This was the first time she wanted anyone to see how Jesus has healed her. She even took off her glove to show them her hand. I was amazed! She explained to them in Spanish where each burn was and said, "They are really nice to me, Mama." I count this as a huge answer to prayer! She doesn't even like to look at them, so for her to show them to others was really a big step for her. She is now beginning to look at her bad burns and says she looks like a pig. Then she just laughs. What she sees is the really pink skin that pigs have and that is where she gets that correlation.

Thank you for your continued prayers! I know she isn't dying and I know she will recover from this accident, I don't know when she will be completely healed, but I do know it is because of your prayers she is doing as well as she is! We love you all!