Monday, October 12, 2015


So, it has been a little more than a month since we found out about our little Ali. So, I still feel like I am in the first trimester of a pregnancy. I am wondering what she will be like, what her personality will be like, what she will be interested in etc... Then there are things I wonder about that I never did wonder about with my pregnancies. I wonder about things like, if she is happy, or sad, or lonely or if her teachers are kind and patient with her. Does she want a family or is she content to live among friends? Does she have bad dreams, and if she does who is there to comfort her? What are her favorite foods, and will I know how to make them? What does she know about Jesus? These are all things that I think about and pray about and I simply have to wait for the answers.

Annie and I are reading a book about George Müller. He started an orphanage in 1834 and relied solely on God to provide for every need they had. It is an amazing story about prayer and faith. It has helped me to realize that for every need we have, God is abundantly able to provide for our needs. We have been overwhelmed with feelings of being extremely blessed over these past 8 months as we have been raising money to pay for our adoption. It has been amazing to see God answer every prayer at just the right time and we have always had just enough to pay for our next adoption bill. What we have left is about $13,000.00 more to pay in fees plus our stay in Colombia. As you may notice from our thermometer we have been so blessed by your donations and we are close to getting there. We are praying about a grant that we have applied for, so please pray with us that we would get it. It truly would help us out a great deal! We do want to personally thank each one of you for giving to this cause! I know there are so many places you could invest your money, but we want to tell you how much it means to us that you are helping us invest in our little Ali's life. We truly could not do this without you.

Visit Easy Fundraising Ideas

The following are entries into my journal that I have made over the past years.

This entry was made on Dec. 12, 2011. Ali had just turned 3. 

This is one of my favorite entries, especially when you read the Bible verse. 

There are about 50 more just like these. God has definitely answered my prayers!   

On another note, we are all settled into our home here in Mexico and are enjoying our new location. It is so beautiful and we are blessed to live here. We have a new job title here as supervisors and are working with a team. This is the first time we have ever had a team to closely work with and we are really  enjoying it. Greg was gone for 10 days for some training and so I spent my birthday with our team. This was so nice, because usually if Greg is gone, it would be just me and the kids. Please pray for us as we do our best to encourage them and help them in any way possible.

Celebrating my birthday with our team. Juanita and Jonnie gave me these beautiful roses and a facial and massage. I am feeling spoiled and liking the "team" thing! 

The kids are all enjoying being a part of a team as well. 

We are loving having our sweet Max back with the family. 

We are missing our Jerbear. However, we know he is having a great time at school!

Greg and I went on a date at the grocery store! ;o) 

This is what we are calling "Taco Tuesday" however on this day, we were having spaghetti. 

We had an MK day at Six Flags in Mexico City and had an amazing day! 

Even though it rained all day.

We have been trying to meet new people that live around us. This is one of the sweetest little ladies we have met. Her name is Lucy. She is always happy and always smiling. She has devoted her life to taking care of sister, Mari. Her sister had an operation 10 years ago and something went wrong. She is now able to understand people but cannot talk, walk, feed herself, or bathe herself. Lucy has no money and so she collects people's garbage and goes through it all to find things to recycle. She makes about $1 a day doing that. She has blessed us with her precious spirit. Please pray for her. 

This is her sister, Mari. 

This is Iredi, so  precious!  She was invited to church for a short vbs and lunch and was too timid to go, so she just sat and watched from afar. We are hoping she will go next week. 

This is a great church we were honored to be a part of tonight. Our team members, Jonnie and Juanita have been doing a great job with them and we were blessed to be a part of their service. Please pray that God would use this indigenous church plant to reach their village.

Thank you all for your support of our work here in Mexico. I am going to try an update more often so you can see just how important reaching these precious ones is to us! 
We love you, Missy and family