Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Annie creating her masterpiece

Annie with her picture

Annie's picture to Clay

Annie's school work

I told Annie that little Clay was having surgery today and we needed to pray. Of course in my mind I was thinking we could pray silently throughout the day. However, before I turned around to look at her, her head was bowed. She looked up as if I was crazy and said, "Well, we should pray now, right,Mommy?" My response, " Uh... sure honey, let's pray right now." So she began. Now, I never knew my daughter could pray better than me. I mean I am the adult, why all of a sudden do I feel like the student? "Jesus, (she began) You know Clay is hurting, and I know how he feels, You know that he is scared, I know how he feels, You knew he was going to get burnt, and You were there. Thank you for being with him and healing him." My eyes are still teary! I think Clay just might have a future wife here in Mexico. She decided to paint him a picture today in school. Keep in mind she is 5. I am sure his ears aren't that big! She has never seen a picture of him but did know he liked to fish. She painted him with a fishing pole and she added the black cowboy boots. I don't know if he owns cowboy boots, but she thinks he does! She also wanted him to have big, red, heart balloons. Anyway, I wanted to continue to plea with all of you to pray for Clay. His blog address is:

Love, Missy