Wednesday, June 10, 2009

My party on Saturday

They wanted to take my picture. So, there I am!

Eating and talking and enjoying eachother!
Mimica so happy with her little gift, it doesn't take much!
We played the "Missy" trivia game. They were all questions about my life here and in the states to see who knew me best. They loved it! Angelica was thrilled with this bottle of hair gel she won!

They LOVE hot dogs! They were happy, happy, happy!

I don't know if you can tell from this picture but they loved the fun balloon napkins. Most of them saved them and took them home. This woman was looking at it like it was the neatest thing ever!

I love this, because it shows even when there is a bench, they always choose the floor!

My friend Angelica taking charge of making the hot dogs.

Hi everyone! Days are flying by and I still haven't told you how my party went. I wanted to show you the pictures.
This is what happened. I woke up on Saturday morning throwing up and well.... the other and thought... I have to cancel the party. Greg told me to wait because maybe it would pass and I would feel better. So, I waited. I prayed. Then I prayed that someone else would pray. I felt absolutely horrible. I didn't throw up anymore and I was sure it was something I had eaten and not a virus but I had no idea how I could have all these women in my house and have a party. Greg took the kids into the nearest city and told me not to cancel it until I knew for sure I couldn't do the party. Mainly because we didn't have many other days to do the party and we both knew that canceling this party would mean that many would end up not coming and I would have to have a party 3 days before we were going to leave. I did NOT want to do that! So I called the women that had phones to see if they could come one hour later and they said they could. Then I had one friend go and tell the others that didn't have phones. Anyway, I kept thinking of Phillipians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

I made up my mind I could do it and I did. I knew if I told my friends I wasn't feeling well, they would take charge and they did. It all went wonderful and little by little I felt better. Not great, but better. We shed many tears as I told them how much I would miss them. We laughed a lot! Watched a movie, painted our nails and generally had a wonderful time together! God is so good to me! I remember 4 years ago just praying that God would send me friends here. I thought if I have some friends, I know everything will be fine no matter what my living conditions are. He has blessed me with wonderful friends! There were 16 in all! I am blessed! Love you! Missy