Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Homeschool made fun!

Hi friends! I know I had a long post yesterday with 100 pictures, but that is what happens when you go lots of cool places and want to share them with all of you. One of the things that happened while being gone was that I got out of my homeschool rut. I have always loved homeschool and am pretty hands on, but lately I had gotten in a rut. SO... while I was encouraging a friend to make homeschool fun for her kids, I talked myself out of the rut I was in. I arrived at home with a newfound energy. Let me tell you.... IT WORKED!!

 I haven't had that much fun with teaching Annie, ever. I had lots of fun when the boys were younger and then I got lazy. Today Annie said the words every mother, every teacher longs to hear, "Do we have to stop school, Mama? I want to do more!" I was so excited. She learned a lot, had fun and we both ended the day H.A. P. P. Y!  I will give any mom a great tip on spelling; we bought the game Scrabble Alphabet Scoop and it made spelling so fun! I just made up my own cards with her spelling words on them and then we played the game with her spelling words. Never seen her so excited about Spelling before!! Loved it!

Annie and me practicing her spelling words using our new game.

This is our new homeschool fort that we built to do our school in today. (and maybe the rest of the week)
We actually can't wait until tomorrow's school day! Just thought I would share! Love you!