Monday, November 4, 2013

What we did in October!

Well, I have pretty much come to the understanding that I will not be posting on here more than once a month unless there is something urgent that needs your attention. It just seems easier with my life now to update you once a month and let you see lots of pictures and get caught up on what we have been doing. So, I hope you enjoy the pictures and the update. Thanks for the continual prayers. 

Once or twice a month we have a fun day at school. This was a day when we were celebrating the elderly. We had fun dressing up like some 'elderly.' 

This picture isn't very good, but you get the picture. We were old. 

Years ago I decided I was not going to be a Christian who closed my doors on Halloween and pretended it didn't exist. I decided I would embrace it and use it to reach the lost with the gospel as much as possible. So that is what we have done. Annie has only been able to 'Trick or Treat' two times in her life. Bless her heart she wanted to do it so badly and this year it was possible. Because we have moved it was possible. She woke up on October 31st absolutely beyond excited. We had only heard that some kids did this, so we only hoped it was true. Sure enough around 7:30pm the bell rang and she jumped up and was ready to go! 

We went around with a few of her friends and there were about 15 houses that gave out candy. Some had none to give, so they gave out fruit and the kids were completely fine with that! It was neat to see.

This was our SpongeBob pumpkin. We had the only pumpkin in the entire neighborhood. That could have been because they were $10 each. ;o) 

We made a pumpkin looking cake for homeschool and then shared it with all of her friends that night. 

For the past month, Greg has been teaching a Church Planting class to these believers. It was 3 hours each Sunday for four weeks. It was a big commitment and a lot of work. Last night we had their graduation and they all got a diploma! It was awesome to see so many have a true desire to know more about the Word of God and how they can plant churches. Afterward we celebrated by playing games and eating tacos and cake. 

This is Greg with Pastor Isai. He shared the teaching responsibility with Greg.  Together they make a great team! 

Greg beat him at this game! He won on a technicality. ;o)

We have started having a kids night once a month at one of  our church groups. Jerod and Alex and Annie  have been great at leading them in games and telling them Bible stories. I don't get to post about football games or trophies, or awards at school. I don't get to show pictures from recitals or tell how my kids got accepted into clubs. But.... my kids are so awesome! They love on kids and teach them Bible stories each week. They play games with them and laugh with them and are truly awesome m kids! I couldn't be more proud of my children! 

Like I mentioned above, Pastor Isai works closely with Greg. They do a lot together. Pastor Isai is amazing! Here he is leading worship for a lock-in the youth had. 

There were 60 youth that came and 45 of them were guys! It looks like they were cheering for that reason! But... they were actually saying, "Si Señor, Si, Si, Señor! Si, Señor, Si, Si, Señor!" Yes, Lord, Yes Lord, Yes, Yes Lord! Yes, Lord, Yes Lord, Yes, Yes, Lord!"

Greg told them the Pumpkin parable. Don't know if you have ever heard this story or not, but it really is awesome.  "The Pumpkin Patch Parable" by Liz Curtis Higgs and Nancy Munger.

In the parable, the yuck in the pumpkin is compared to the sin in our lives. These youth were cleaning it out just like Jesus cleans us up from the inside out when we have a relationship with Him. 

Loved seeing all these youth come together to worship and learn more about His Word! No internet, one outhouse, no wall, nothing flashy to draw them there. They simply came together to grow as young Christians together. 


Jerod needed to take the PSAT. So we had an excuse to take a trip to Guadalajara and visit some friends! This is my friend Kandi! We had a lot of fun together in a short time. 

Annie had a blast and got to spend the night with them! She was in heaven!

We went to an adventure park.

Jerod on the high ropes course.

Alex, hamming it up.

Jerod wasn't quite as excited as Alex to be up there.

Of course Alex was happy to be next to this post!

We met this sweet lady named, Elizabeth. She and her two children came to Mexico to visit some friends and kinda got stranded. We went to visit them and give them some clothes and food and see if we could offer some kind of advice on how she could get back to the US. We helped them as best as we could and we promised to pray for them.

I heard from her today and she said they are on the first part of their long journey home. Please join me in praying for their journey back to Ohio. 
Please pray for Jerod. He has had his heart set on attending Liberty University in 2015. He is a senior this year but next year he is taking a year off and then he will start his first year of college. One of the reasons for wanting to attend Liberty is because they have offered Mks with our organization a very good scholarship in the past. The other reasons were because they have a very good program in cinematography, (which is what he wants to do) and all of his friends attend there. However, we have just received the news that they have decided to do away with this scholarship. Without the scholarship it is out of our price range. Please pray that we find a school that will be perfect for Jerod and/or pray that Liberty would offer some other kind of scholarship that would make it possible for him to attend. Thanks so much! 

We had a great month and look forward to another great month in November. Please continue to pray for us as we juggle home school and ministry.  Many blessings, Missy