Saturday, August 15, 2009

Bloom where you're planted!

Since living in the US, we have made it a fun goal/challenge to find places where we can all eat for under $20. This was one of our biggest bargain finds since hitting the US! We bought all of that food, drinks too for the bargain price of $13! Arbies Freebies Wednesday helped! We were very proud of ourselves!!

Bloom where you are planted.

My roses!

Hi everyone! I know it has been a few days since I have posted. Sorry! I have been busy blooming! :o) After I decided to enjoy my every second here, God really started to move all around me. The precious new friends I have made just really saw how homesick I was and they really ministered to my needs. The friends that I have had for years and those that I have just met through this blog also started to minister to my heart! Thank you all for your sweet and encouraging emails! I was given this little blue vase that says, "Bloom where you are planted." That really spoke to my heart and I have decided to do just that! The next day I was talking to a new friend of mine and we were just getting to know each other better. She said she had lived here for a year and she and her husband only had one other couple that had become their friends in the year that they have been here. The next day I found these roses at my door, they were from this new friend. She was leaving on vacation and wanted me to enjoy her roses while she was gone. So, I guess I really do need to bloom where I am planted!
Jerod, Alex, Annie and I all leave for Camp Cheerio tomorrow. We are all very excited! I don't think I mentioned that I will be spending the week helping out around camp. I will try and make myself invisible to my children but Annie and I will be hanging out around camp all week. I will definitely have some really good pictures to post on here! Please send some mail! It will mean a lot to us all! :o) Jerod's 13th birthday is on Sunday the 23rd, so if any of you want to send a birthday wish, I know he would like that too! Please pray for Greg as he will be all alone this week and he will be starting school again for the first time in a long time! Thank you all for praying for us!! I love you!! Missy