Sunday, August 30, 2015


Big news for our family! After much prayer we have now sent in a letter of intent for a little 6 year old girl from Colombia. She is precious and we cannot wait to bring her home! This is not a done deal, we have to wait for the Colombian Department of Children's Services to accept our letter of intent. We are praying they will see we are the family for her. Please pray for our fundraising efforts so we can bring her home soon. If you feel lead to help us with this you can make a tax deductible donation to  (This is like a GoFundme page for adoption, except 100% of the donations go to our adoption cost.) 
Just select "Give to an Adoptive Family."
Complete the online form and fill in the "Family Account Number- #5450" 
and "Family Name- Wood" fields to assure it goes to the correct account. 
We greatly appreciate your help bringing her home.  

Can't wait to show you the face of our newest angel! 

We went straight to Target and bought her an outfit! Can't wait to see her wearing it!

We had a celebration of life for my precious grandfather, Papa. He died at the age of 97, after living his life to the fullest. He was the happiest man alive and lived every day of his 97 years making people happy too. He lived about 12 of his years in an orphanage and loved his years there. Although he was blessed by his time in Oxford Orphanage, I know he would be so happy to know that our little angel will not have to spend her life in an orphanage but will get to spend it with a family. I wish he was going to be here when she arrives. 

                These were pictures from my precious Papa's funeral. Greg did a beautiful job!

This was my grandfather's girlfriend, Nell. She is 97 as well.

Jerod, Annie, Mason and Alex at the gravesite of 
my grandfather and grandmother. 

My sister and me at my grandmother and grandfather's gravesite.

My father with his cousin, Bill. 

This was a very happy day and a sad one too! 
Happy for Jerod as he starts a great chapter in his life at Liberty University. It was a sad one for the family as we had to say good-bye to him for an unknown amount of time. 

Gonna miss my family!

We said good-bye to family. 
This was my family. 
I wasn't with Greg's much because
 I had to return for my grandfather's funeral.  

Ready to head back to Mexico with just a few bags!

Please pray for us as we go through many transitions over then next few months! 

Friday, August 21, 2015

Want to Help?

Hi friends! Our adoption process has gone as well as it could possibly go! We started the process in February and in 7 months we have managed to get a home study done, plus all of the needed paperwork, and our Dossier completed and sent in to our adoption agency. If you have ever adopted, you know just how hard all of that is. Living out of the country has made this process a tiny bit harder on us but the Lord has definitely blessed us.

However, now comes the hard part, we must ask for your help. International adoption is expensive and we knew all along it was going to take God moving in big ways to make it possible for us to adopt. He has shown us all along the way that He is in control of everything. Every time we have had a check to write, the money has come either through over payments of sorts, our savings,  or the generosity of friends and strangers as well. It has definitely strengthened our faith.

We still have about $13,000 that we need to raise in order to pay for additional expenses. Those will include; adoption agency fees, travel expenses to Colombia for our family, post adoption fees, and post adoption updates, just to name a few. We still have some additional savings we will be using but seek partners to help us little by little to complete this journey.

We were recently blessed as our friends at Kingston Ave. Baptist in Anderson, Indiana gave a $1,200 matching grant to get the ball rolling. We pray that God will bless that grant by doubling it, or even tripling it! Our fundraising goal date is October 6th, 2015, but funds will be accepted later than this date. ;o)

Options for giving are twofold and go 100% to our adoption:

1. Checks may be made payable to "Lifesong for Orphans." In the memo, note "Wood #5450" to assure it goes to the correct account. Please mail to Lifesong for Orphans, PO Box 40, Gridley, IL 61744.

2. To pay online go to Select "Give to an Adoptive Family."
Complete the online form and fill in the "Family Account Number- #5450" and "Family Name- Wood" fields to assure it goes to the correct account. (If your donation is over $50 you will get a tax-deductible receipt. Receipts for donations less than $50, will gladly be sent upon request.)

Thank you for considering helping us rescue a child and give them a forever family. If you would like to support us and are unable to do so financially, we would love it if you would pray for us as we continue on this journey. The path is unfamiliar to us and we truly covet your prayers as we walk in faith and do what we can to unite our little one with the family we know God has planned for them since they were created. We feel blessed to be a part of this journey.

With much love, Greg, Missy, Jerod, Alex, Annie, and Future Wood child!

Our summer adventures.

 This is a quick update on our summer. It went quick, so quick I never had time to update our blog! Our adoption process has been going slow but steady. We have just been steady at getting the mounds of paper work completed. It hasn't been easy, but we know we will be so blessed by  our new addition(s) once the Lord shows us who that special someone is. We are now just in a waiting game, as we are waiting on our adoption agency to have what they need on their end so that they can match us with the Child the Lord has planned for our family. Please pray for us as we wait. However, while we wait, you can see what we have been up to this summer! ;o)

                                                Celebrating the 4th of July with my family.

I must say, we will miss this once we are back in Mexico!

Trying to get used to what life will be like without Jerod. ;o(

Annie and Honey.

Annie and her counselors at Camp Cheerio. She had an amazing time. 

Annie's friends from camp. 

One of Annie's favorite people at Camp Cheerio. 

My favorite person at Camp Cheerio! My roomie, Michelle. 

We were so proud to witness Greg's graduation. He has done an amazing job. 

I am so in love. 

Our family vacation at the beach. It was cold, but we had fun anyway!

My crazies are in the middle.

They have so much fun together! 

Celebrating Papa's 97th birthday! 

He has the sweetest smile ever, and the best laugh you can imagine!

This is one hug I will definitely miss when I am in Mexico.