Thursday, June 15, 2017

Roller Coasters

 Hi friends! Another MRI is now in our history books. Last month we were blessed by the Dream Foundation with a 4 day trip to Disney and Universal Studios. We had a great time and made a lot of memories. One of the parks we went to had lots of roller coasters. Our family loves roller coasters, all of us but Greg!

As we were preparing for today's MRI I had the same feeling that I had as we would get on a roller coaster. You sit down, make sure everything is locked in the right way, and then as you go up you anticipate what is going to happen. You wait as you hear each tick, tick, tick as you climb a hill, then you go down and your stomach drops. Then there are times you go upside down and feel like you are going to throw up.  When I went on one with the kids, I was actually thinking as we were flipping upside down how crazy it is that all of the people on the ride and in line, put all of their faith in a machine and buckle. We get on, without much thought about it and expect we will be fine. I was thinking how strange it is that when faced with huge life difficulties we don't always have that same faith in God as we do in a manmade machine.  Why is it that we sometimes forget that the maker of Heaven and earth can take care of all of our problems? I know, I know, I know... get to the point! ;o)

Well, today was one of those roller coaster feelings that was just going up and coming down, no turns, or twists, or upside down flips. So, we didn't feel the need to throw up. Greg's MRI was basically the same as it was last month with maybe a bit more of what we think is inflammation. We knew that was probably what it would show. Greg has felt pretty good except he has more weakness in his left hand which causes him frustration. That comes and goes and isn't a big deal at this point.

Our doctor has decided to put him on a little different infusion schedule. He will continue to get his regular "Godivo" which is what he calls it. Plus he will be getting Avastin which is another drug he has gotten off and on, but now he will get it every other week. We had prayed the Lord would give our oncologist a plan and He made it clear to her that this is what she should do. Greg is fine with being a "lab rat" (which is what he is) if it could help them find a combination of drugs that may help find a  cure for brain cancer.

We appreciate all of your prayers for our family as we continue on riding this crazy roller coaster of life and enjoying the ups, downs and even the loops! We don't know what the future holds, but it is so comforting to know who holds the future! Please pray that when we have discouraging days and may feel as if we are slipping out of our seat a bit and loosing grip, that we will remember we put out faith in the Creator of the universe and not the creator of a silly roller coaster!

One of our great nurses in her blue "hazmat" suit getting ready to give Greg his infusion. This shows how serious these drugs are. Double gloved, covered up and nursing or pregnant women cannot administer it. 

Before something tragic affects your family, or someone you love, you generally don't take too much interest in those areas. We knew nothing about brain cancer before we were given that horrible diagnosis. Below is a video that Jerod put together with help from his brother about the Brain Tumor Race.

Charlotte Brain Tumor Race from GoldenHourVisuals on Vimeo.

                                    Here are a few pictures from the past few weeks as well.
Alex graduated! 

Greg and the boys enjoying the Coca-cola 600!

Our fun Florida trip!

Love my sweet hubby! I am blessed more than I deserve! Thank you all for praying!