Saturday, October 4, 2008

More Pics

Our neighbors in Asheville, visiting with us at church.

Our friend made traditional clothing for this Barbie and was trying to sell them for money. This little girl, Haley, wanted to buy the Barbie and then she wanted us to give it back to the little girl so her mom could could make the money and she could still have her Barbie to play with. How sweet is that?

These are our friends the Twiddys who we stayed with while in Asheville.

This is Annie's new friend Kelly who she got to know quite well!

The BP man

Only in America will the BP man pose for a picture. He would have done anything for us to come back to visit his BP! That's America!

Fun at the fair

The following pictures are of Jerod and Alex eating a cheeseburger on a stick, and jumping on a bungee - trampoline at a local fair. We are having a blast, did I mention that?

38 and looking 50!

October 1st was my 38th birthday and I wanted to thank all of you for your kind emails and warm wishes! I had a great day! Looking at this picture I look like I was turning 50, I don't like that at all! I am trying to add more pictures but it is not letting me so I will add some more in another post. My neice is reading this over my shoulder and says I am not being my "funny" self, so, I will try my best to be goofier! :o)

We have done nothing but have fun, laugh, and eat. Probably in that order. I will add the pictures to show what we have been doing because it will tell the story better than I can! Love you all! Missy

I know, I know, I know

Yes, I know, I haven't posted anything for a week now. I have been so busy having fun that I haven't even looked at email lately. We have been packing as much as possible into our 3 weeks here in the States! I am getting ready to head off to some yard sales with my sister-in-law and mother-in-law. I LOVE yard sales and can't wait to find tons of stuff that I won't be able to bring back with me. :o) I promise to post a longer post tonight along with lots of pics! Love, Miss