Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Landing... and then....Culture Shock

Friends forever!

The Twiddy family left America with us 4 years ago and they were the perfect family to greet us at the airport!

This is the family that for a few days ministered to the Purepechas in Mexico City with their church.

Thank you so much for praying! We had every possible blessing given to us! We got all of our 10 bags checked under weight and didn't have to pay for any of them! PTL!! That almost never happens for us! Both flights left almost on time and the one that left 10 minutes late arrived 30 minutes EARLY! WHAT??? I mean, that is GOD!! The kids did great, although we were very tired, they all did great!

NEAT, small world story!! There was one Mexican family of 3 that boarded the plane with us in Mexico City. We noticed them because they were sitting right beside us while we waited to board. Then we saw them again when we were buying our pizza in Washington, D.C. and then they ended up sitting behind us on the plane to Charlotte. So, when Greg heard the mother singing praise and worship songs to her little 2 year old girl, he asked her if she was a Christian. She said, "Yes." She then said they had been on a mission trip in Mexico City. Greg explained that we were missionaries and that we worked with an indigenous group called the Purepechas. She said, "Oh, we worked with them for a day or two in Mexico City."

Okay, a little a few weeks back I told you we had an overnight guest passing through. Well, that overnight guest's name is David. He works in Mexico City and has been trying to reach the Purepechas that work in Mexico City. So while he was there Greg gave him a set of our stories in Purepecha on CD.

She said there are some missionaries that have been working with them and the do Bible studies with them in Spanish and they have some Bible stories on CD in Purepecha. At this point Greg and I are smiling and he said, "What is that missionaries name?" She said, "David." That is when we said, "You know those CDs, we gave those to him!" It was really quite wild! It was awesome to hear how this church in Greenville, SC was sending Mexicans back to reach their own people. I know times are tough, but they spent their money to go to a place their families left years ago, to try and reach their people.

Then we landed and were met by our friends the Twiddys and my parents. It was awesome to see family and friends. We ate at Cracker Barrel and enjoyed some good ole SWEET TEA! and home grown veggies. Then we had to stop by CVS and that is when the culture shock hit. All I needed was toothpaste, deodorant and saline solution. There were 800 choices of each. Okay, I may be exaggerating a tiny bit, but I sat there and looked at the isle bewildered trying to figure out what to buy. I closed my eyes grabbed something and left. Then I was out walking in my parents neighborhood this morning and I saw a man watering his flowers with a hose. I had the strangest urge to run and get a big bucket and fill it up for all of my friends. So, I have a lot to get used to! I will try and post more pictures later. My parents Internet is not wanting to allow it. Sorry! Love you ALL! Missy