Friday, December 24, 2010

Santa came early!


For most of you, this wouldn't seem awesome. For us, seeing Cool Ranch Doritos and Barbeque potatoe chips, it was a GREAT day! The Doritos were a little more than $5, but the chips weren't that bad. So, we bought 4 bags!

Meet Max. This is our new dog. He is wearing a pink shirt, but he is a boy for sure.

He is really sweet, and loving cuddling with Annie!

Don't know who is happier, Annie or Max. We voted on his name. It was between Hoosier and Max and Max won.

Merry Christmas!!

Hi friends! It has been C-R-A-Z-Y around here! Missing a week with Greg in Costa Rica hurt us big! (I can't remember if I said Greg was in CR or not. I didn't want anyone to know we weren't here, so I don't think I posted that. Anyway, he was in CR for some training.) We arrived back in our village on Monday around 5 and went right to church at 6!

On Tuesday Alex came down with the flu and so he had to stay home. Jerod and I went to town to try and get some shopping done and found my credit card had expired. ;o) We bought some food and some presents for our shoe boxes that we are making and then found my other credit card was blocked b/c the bank thought it was stolen. Hmmm.. just not my day! This is a problem when you live in another country and rely heavily on a credit card. So our shopping was put on hold until yesterday. The entire family headed to town to do ALL of our shopping in ONE day. That is a lot of shopping with 3 kids and a husband. Needless to say, it was a LOOOONG day and I never want to do it again! We did manage to buy a few things that will be surprises, but every time Greg or I tried to get something for each other, we always ended up seeing it. SO... no surprises this year... we will actually like everything we get! :o)

 Anyway, I hope all of you can focus on the real reason for the season and not get wrapped up (literally) in the Christmas hoopla! I will post some pics soon! Love too you all!

 Hope all of you have a wonderful and Merry Christmas! Missy and family!