Saturday, August 1, 2009

Crazy life in America

Annie and Caroline enjoying the water!

Cousin love!

The boys all had a great time together. (Alex is standing on a stump)

They were getting ready for football here in NC. (As you can see below, it was a little different!)

Alex getting fitted for his shoulder pads.

Jerod trying his shoulder pads on too. (Notice the girl already trying to get his attention? She really was! )

Greg getting his instructions.

Yay! He caught it! Alex is the youngest and smallest on his team.

There's Alex running up the hill in a relay.

Both boys had just raced each other. It rained while we were there. That is why Greg looks wet.

Okay everyone, when I say our life is crazy, it really is! We traveled home on Wednesday from Indiana. We were sad to say good-bye but happy that it won't be for a very long time this time around! We had a wonderful time, but we were happy to be heading to some form of routine. So, we drove 12 hours and when we arrived at our apartment in Wake Forest we still had that feeling like we were arriving at someone else's home to visit. Every time we said we were going home, Annie thought that meant we were headed back to Mexico. She has really started to miss it and has been saying she wants to go home. I know for all of you who have always lived in America you are probably thinking what in the world for? Well... it is true that home is where your heart is and that is where her heart is. It is the only "home" she has ever known. We all miss our friends and have had times when we wish we could see them. However, for us, we understand the time frame and will make the most of our time here with our family and friends. Annie on the other hand, does NOT understand and is struggling a tiny bit with these things. Please pray that she will adjust to her new life here and then again to Mexico once we return next June.

So, we made it back and then spent the next day looking for football cleats and then took the boys to their first football practice. Each practice is 2 hours long and I think I lost weight just watching them practice. It was tough!! They will definitely slim down this season!! They were troopers and never once complained, and were ready for more this morning. Greg was in heaven as they asked him to help while he was there. We are happy to be able to be in one place for at least a few weeks and we are working on settling into Wake Forest.Thank you all for your continual support and for your continued prayers for us all! We love you!! Missy