Sunday, April 24, 2016

Never Once

Never Once - Matt Redman

Click on the link above and you can listen to the song I reference below.

I would be a flat out liar if I acted if all was well and I wasn't at all concerned about our future. Cuz... I am. However, I look back on our life, and I have to say, I am feeling pretty good today. I have sung Matt Redman's song, 'Never Once' at different times in my life and I have always been touched by just how much truth there are to his lyrics. In January 2015, we went to a debriefing of sorts that our organization requires when you return to the US after being out of the country for an extended period of time. I remember singing this song there and thinking over how many times over the 4 years on the field that He had protected us.

Of course when he sings about the scars, I would immediately think of Annie's scars, then when he sings about struggles, I would think about many of the struggles we had with our sweet friends, struggling to find peace, or food, or jobs, or fighting persecution. Through all of that, I would sing, knowing that it was true, He really is faithful. I could sing that because I had come out on the other side and could look back and knew, it all turned out okay. He answered all of our prayers according to HIS will. It is interesting to me, that at that moment when I was singing that and thinking to myself, He sure has seen us through some tough times, He was just getting warmed up. ;o) He was probably looking down at me and thinking, Oh precious one, if you only could only see what I am about to do, if you could only see just how much I will see you through; then and only then will you truly know what scars and struggles truly look like. So, now that I am in the middle of the scars and struggles, I can truly say, "Never once did I ever walk alone, never once did you you leave us on our own, you are faithful, God, you are faithful!"

I truly feel like this journey is what God wants us to go on so that we will grow closer to Him and hopefully help others along the way. I know that He has a purpose for Greg's cancer, and by golly we are not going to waste one minute more trying to figure out what it is. So, for now, I am going to share what is on my mind with all of you in hopes of encouraging someone.

Our struggles are far from over. Greg's scan was good on April 7th, and for that we are praising God and resting a bit easier for sure! With brain cancer, as we have mentioned before, we will be watching  his scans closely every 2 months for any new tumor growth. We don't just ask, but beg you to continue to pray with us that God would perform a miracle in Greg's life and show everyone, that He really is still in the miracle business. Thank you for praying with us!

I know many of you are wondering about our adoption. Well, we are too! We are planning on contacting our adoption agency in June to see where we should go from here. We will have had 3 scans by then and hopefully we will be able to give them so good information. We don't know what they will say, but we know that God brought us to adopt and He has a plan even about our adoption. So, you can add that to your prayers as well! We love all of you and are so thankful we have you behind us!

No blog post would be complete without pictures, so here are some of what has been going on in our lives.

I wrote this a few weeks ago... and am just now posting it. SO, since then Greg has had another week of chemo and I do ask you to pray that each month it will get easier. He handles it so well, but his appetite has diminished a great deal! He will be taking the increased chemo dose 5 days a month for a year. Thanks friends! Okay... now that pictures!

Field trip to see where some of the confederate soldiers were buried. It was impressive. 

This swing was on the cemetery grounds, it was beautiful there. 

Had a great visit with my sweet friend, Mindy. We have been friends since childhood and our friendship is stronger now than ever! 

We walked in a race to raise money for brain cancer. 

We had fun, even though we walked the entire hour in the rain! 

Greg got his awesome news and his keys back! 

He has been waiting 4 months for this day!

Had a great visit with the Twiddy family! Great friends are forever! 

Finally we entered spring with a yard sale find for Annie to herself occupied! 
Thanks for following us on this journey!