Monday, January 12, 2009

God's plan

Icho and Barbara, happy about what God is doing!

Now you know why my legs and arms hurt!

I was trying to show these Purepecha women
that I AM NOT some weak American that can't
do manual labor. Of course I was thinking, "I
will pay tomorrow!" And I am! ;o)

Moving some roof covering off the floor and
onto the roof.

Job done!

Hi everyone, I write to you all with a very happy heart, sore legs and arms and a very big smile! Yesterday we had a work day at Barbara's home. ( home of our new meeting place) I know it was Sunday, but it was the only day it could be done, so I think God understood! It was a great day and in a matter of a few hours we had the room looking like a Purepecha church! Windows and doors are being made and chairs have been purchased.

Only about half of our group know of this decision to change locations. After the leaders of our group talked yesterday, they all decided we would start meeting there as soon as possible. So... tonight, (Monday) we will all start our meeting at our house and then we will take everyone over to Barbara's home to show them what God has had planned for many years. We are wondering how everyone will take this, and hoping they will all be excited about the new place of worship! Please pray that everyone will feel God's presence and that they will all know this is what God has planned for them. After we were done and we were admiring our work, Barbara said, " I think God has had this planned for many years. I always wanted to use this room for a tv room or something and never did. I never knew why until now." She went on to say, " I know that the criticism is coming, but that is okay, I am strong and ready." PLEASE pray for them. We know that the people, Barbara's family included, will be very critical of them. We are praying that God's blessings on their lives will far out number the amount of criticism they will receive. My smile has turned to tears now as I write, I am thinking of this sweet, precious woman who is truly willing to lay down EVERYTHING for Christ. I don't understand why, when people change for the good and want to follow Christ, that is when they are criticized most. I guess some things haven't changed that much since the days of Christ.