Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Friends...old and new there is nothing better!

Me and my friend, Fair. We have been friend for about 8 years. I love her!! She is so hip though!!

Bryce and Pierce with the 3 nuts acting like wierdos.

Trying not to be wierdos. :o)

Tom , Greg, Bryce, and Annie deep in conversation. I really don't think Tom had a headache from Greg's lack of interest, but that is what it looks like! :o) That really is kinda funny!!

Me enjoying my 1st Brueggles bagel, Oh was it good!! Look at Annie's face, how telling is that?She is NOT a fan! :o) (which is good, cuz it weren't cheap!)
Hi!! God is soo good to us! Everytime I think, "Man it sure would be nice if..... " He always seems to answer my request. Well, not ALWAYS, but most of the time He does a pretty good job! The boys were really needing to get out and be with some friends and that is when our friends the Mims came to visit.

We had a wonderful time catching up and it was like we were never apart. Two of their children were out of town but we enjoyed visiting with the two that were here. The boys ended up going to their home last night to have a sleep over and they are spending the day at their pool today. Annie is enjoying special one on one time with Mommy and Daddy and plans on sleeping over the next time when little miss Ila is there. Annie and Fair (MY friend) bonded quite a bit and I think Annie thinks Fair was here to see her instead of me! ;o)

While Fair was here visiting a neighbor came by to introduce herself. She was extremely friendly and so welcoming! I have lived in apartments 2 other times during our married life and never have I had so many people come up and introduce themselves. It has been wonderful. It really is like living among a big family. We just don't know them yet. However, they ALL know eachother. It's wild. They are all inviting us to their churches which could prove to be the hardest decision for us, which church to choose. There are definitely a number to choose from! We plan on visiting a bunch and praying and hopefully it will be easy to see where we need to be. Please pray we can find the right church! I love, love, love you all!! Miss