Wednesday, July 22, 2009

General update....that sounds sooo boring!

Sorry for the sporadic posts, I will get better. It has been a little bit difficult since we have been traveling. I am not going to write much, I will just let the pictures tell you what we have been up to. I will post some more in a few days. Hope all of you are having a wonderful summer. It has been great for us, so far!!

Okay, we have been telling many small world stories. This man is the son of some of our friends in a village that is close to our village in Mexico. His mother made him a blanket and asked us if we could mail it to him once we were in the US. Well, once we were here and we were in Virginia, we called him and asked him to dinner with us because we weren't far from where he lived. We spent the evening with him, sharing with him stories of what is happening with his family and people group. It was like visiting with family. We hope to find many more just like him all over America as we travel. God is good!

When we were visiting with our friends at their lake house we visited their parent's camp. While there we did some team building activities. This is a picture of the boys(with our friend's Ben and Micah) trying to help Annie through a spider web without touching it.

This is Alex trying to walk a tight rope.

One of the things we really looked forward to was going to a fair. That to us, is ALL American. We were given that opportunity here in Indiana as the 4-H fair is going on and that is right up my boys alley. Food, games and animals. Alex played one game and kept winning. He won 3 goldfish. 2 days later we now have 1 goldfish still swimming! :o) The boy in the middle is a neighbor of Greg's family who joined us.

Annie and Caroline have been partners in crime in every area. They have had sooo much fun. They are pictured here with Grandma who they both love to spend time with. The morning after the fair we found them standing over the fish bowl with a spoon and the dead fish on it. They had a frying pan ready for the fish. Hmmm... can you say fish fry?

Jerod, Alex, Jake,(neighbor boy) and Clay ( cousin) are enjoying playing from sun up to sun down. They are having all kinds of good old American fun!

This is my precious niece, Emily. We had lots of fun taking stupid pictures of our faces. We will put them on our facebook so everyone can make fun of us! Heehee!! We have enjoyed long talks and watching movies. I can't believe she is almost 16, that means I am getting old, that just can't be!

Caroline and Emily on the roller coaster.

Annie going back to her Mexican roots, she was happy to be on a horse!

While we were at the International Learning Center, Alex made some really good friends, this was one of them. ( I know, these are all out of order, sorry)

This was one of Annie's very first baby-sitters in Costa Rica, her name is Keverly. She is so wonderful and we love, love, love her. She has spent the last 6 months in Haiti teaching 3 boys for some friends there. We were so happy to have here back with her family so we could visit with her. Annie thinks the world of her and we have to agree with Annie, she is pretty wonderful!

This is Melissa. She has been with me on this wild journey since the beginning. We left the US together and we returned together. (it was her mom's camp in the pictures above) We are great friends and she is a great support to me!

This was our first Sunday with Greg's family here in Indiana. We visited her church and saw many of Greg's old friends. It was a great day. We plan on speaking at Kingston Avenue Church here in Indiana this Sunday. We are looking forward to this opportunity and are anxious to share our vision with them. Please pray all will go well as we speak for the first time. Love you all!! Missy