Wednesday, May 28, 2008

God is taking care of our Annie!

If you prayed at all today for Annie, please know God answered your prayers! We went for the bath and I (Missy) felt like I was going into a torture chamber. However, once we were in there we realized it wasn't so bad and God was there with us. Annie was calm and although it was painful, she just let out small whimpers. The nurses that were changing her bandages said she had a very high pain tolerance level. Takes after her mom! ;o) As we were getting to know the 2 nurses we found out that one of them named Julie, has a youth pastor husband at a Church here in Texas. God knew how much that would mean to us! They both took great care of her and she did well. As they were washing her hair she looked up at them and said, "Thank you!" Melted all of our hearts! After that she enjoyed eating her Chick-fil-a nuggets. The physical therapy went well too. She walked with assistance around a few hallways.The prognosis is that by next week she should be walking on her own. She also sat in a chair and played with various toys. All in all we consider the day to have gone nothing more than PERFECT!! We continue to ask for prayer for her as she is trying to avoid using the potty. We have now read EVERY email and blog post and can't tell you how you have all touched our lives through the outpouring of love and prayers. I said a prayer for each of you today. We have a few more pictures added in the rotation and there will be more to come. Love to you all!

Annie had a great night!

Just passing along that Annie had a really good night sleep and is showing more of her personality this morning by talking and asking for some food. We had two good friends, Mike and Keri Franz, arrived last night from our home church. They are going to be a great help especially with the boys. Your prayers are working as Annie is doing better each day. We have been humbled by your comments which are coming from all over the world. What an awesome example of the body of Christ and power of prayer.

We are headed off to the hospital shortly for Annie's first bath and some physical therapy. We will let you know this evening how things went. We should have some new pictures up some time this morning.

Love to all, The Woods