Monday, November 14, 2016

Strong Willed Tumor

Hi friends and family! We would like to thank all of you for your support over these past few weeks. Greg's surgery went so well and his recovery has gone just as well! He is about 90%, just a little tired at times. Our neurosurgeon felt like he got all of the tumor that presented itself. We are praising the Lord for all of the many blessings that came out of the surgery. This tumor had blood vessels running right through it and we weren't sure if he would have a stroke when it was removed. We were so thankful that there was absolutely no sign of stroke. The big question was if it was all tumor, some tumor and some scar tissue or all scar tissue. Unfortunately it was about 85% new tumor. The praise is we got it out before it grew and caused more problems.

                                       So, what's next? Let me see if I can explain.

See these 3? Each one of them are completely different! 

When my kids were small, and I actually thought I could discipline them, I would try different things. Now, for Jerod, I could spank him and it did nothing. One day, he said, "Mom, I have to tell you something. Spankings, they just don't work for me. I mean, after the sting is gone, I forget and it really doesn't keep me from being bad." So I looked at him and asked him what he thought would work. He very sadly looked to the ground and said, "Soap. I hate soap in my mouth." Poor kid had more soap in his mouth than he ever dreamed he would after that statement. The other two were both different. Alex hated spankings and Annie was crushed if you looked at her wrong. 

Well, brain tumors are just like my kids. They all respond differently to treatment depending on their make up or their DNA. So, some may respond great to chemo and radiation. Others may respond better to some drugs that are on the market and others will respond to a combination of  a lot of different things.  Greg has a type of brain tumor that is what you may call the strong willed child. It didn't respond well to the regular treatment of chemo and radiation. So, we are now trying to find the right treatment for our little strong willed tumor. We have been given two different options to choose from at this point and we are praying over each of them and will decide over the next week and go from there. We have the utmost confidence in our oncologist and are extremely thankful to our Mission Board and the way they have taken care of us this year! 

Many have asked us if we would consider traveling to another state for treatment or things of that nature. At this stage, knowing what options are out there for THIS type of tumor there are not a lot of other options anywhere. We feel at this point in our cancer journey we are exactly where the Lord would have us to be. That could change in the future, however, at this point, we are at peace with the treatment we are getting at Levine Cancer Institute and CMC. 

We are not at all discouraged. We serve a mighty God and that mighty God is in total control.
We love you all and appreciate all of your prayers. Have an amazing Thanksgiving!
We love you all! Greg, Missy, Jerod, Alex and Annie 

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

A Word from Greg

Missy does a wonderful, unique job expressing our situation in words so I will do my best to follow in her footsteps.  I just wanted to express how much we appreciate your visits, messages, calls, texts, emails and most importantly prayers as we walk this journey.  Our pastor preached a timely message on Sunday from Philippians 4 focusing on worry and anxiety but most importantly joy.  Philippians 4 instructs us to "Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice!" So glad God inspired the Apostle Paul to include the word "always" in that verse.  I rejoice today in how God has blessed and worked out so many details over the last few weeks to get me to this point that I am typing out this message from home only 48 hours after being wheeled back to the operating room.  How amazing is our God, I rejoice in him.  

I read a great article months ago from a pastor in California, Dave Hall, who is battling cancer and what God is teaching him.   The link follows if you care to pass it along to someone you know that might need it-- 

Briefly, Pastor Hall writes in point 4,  "I believe cancer entered my life by the sovereign will of God.  It was not a random accident.  I take great comfort in trusting he permitted my cancer to achieve some deeper, eternal purpose.  God will use broken things of this sin-cursed world to accomplish his will for my good and His glory."

Amen to those words!!  I will admit that cancer is a beast and is not a pleasant adversary.   It will punch you in the face over and over again and you have to get back up ready for the next punch.  It is a spiritual battle also as the enemy wishes to use it to discourage and remove the joy of the Lord from my life.   Thus, I would encourage you personally that if you know a family member, friend or even a distant contact who is in a battle with cancer to reach out to them by a visit, a phone call, email, text or any other avenue and encourage them in the battle and ask how you can specifically pray for them.  Be the hands and feet of Christ.  

We covet your continual prayers as we face the unknown future of my cancer battle. 
Praising Him in the storm, Greg