Monday, February 27, 2012

God is working!!

Hi friends! Last week I explained how we were able to visit this new family and share with them. Well we were able to bless them with some blankets from a blanket ministry that has been such a blessing to so many and we also were able to give them some clothing. (I have been going through all of our clothing  because we are trying to start a clothing closet at a church nearby.) Well, we took some of Annie's clothing and gave it to this family. When we arrived this week, this precious little girl was wearing one of her old dresses. That made us feel so good to know that we were able to help this family. BUT... it should make one of you feel good too! Because, Beth Spray that is the dress that you gave Annie a LONG time ago and now it is being passed on again! So, you just never know where your clothes are going to end up! ;o)

This little one couldn't quite wear Annie's clothing so we will have to look for some for her! How cute is she?
This woman was so excited about receiving her blanket!

This woman had her baby just a few days ago and was happy to have a blanket too!

This is how many here make their money. They make handmade pottery. Each one of those bowl is worth about 25 cents. They struggle. 

We are trying to have more "family days." Last Sunday we had a family day and had a great day at this awesome park. We played board games, had a picnic, Annie rode her bike, and the boys played a little football. It was a great day! 

Annie always makes friends wherever she goes. Wonder where she gets that? ;o)

This was a little drama that happened in front of our home this week. An 18 wheeler went over the speed bump in front of our home a little too fast and the bottom fell out. It was kinda funny. They had to call another truck, empty all the drinks they were hauling into it and then the put a belt around the empty one and all went on their way. It was fun to watch. 

This has been one of the things we have been spending a lot of time on... discipleship. We are working with believers in about 4 or 5 villages, helping them to understand things more in depth. It is kinda like a seminary on a very small scale. Then they are taking what they are learning and putting it into practice in small groups in their villages. It seems to be going well! 

This is one of the men who Greg has been helping. He was telling his first story to a group here. It went really well!

During church, Annie does childcare! ;o) 

This is what the church has collected so far for our clothing ministry. We are excited about this ministry and do hope it will be up and running in a few weeks. It is neat to see some rather poor people giving what they have to bless others that have even less. I learn more from these people than I will ever teach them!

This is the street where one of our church groups is located. I like to see the house on the left with the meter attached to it. 

These are two of the boys in the church we helped with today. They were happy doing a simple craft. We take so much for granted, like crayons. 

Annie made another friend! 

So, now you know what we have been doing for the last week. There is so much work here to be done, it is just crazy. So many people are just waiting for someone to come and tell them about Him. We are just trying to find time to reach them all! 

On a somewhat sad note, please pray for the Cretzman family.  They are going to be celebrating the life of their 3 year old daughter tomorrow. (Monday) She died last week in a car accident when they were on their way to visit a church in Ohio and their van slid on black ice and they hit an interstate sign. It is a sad story but their faith is amazing and very inspiring. Please lift them up! Blessings to you all! Missy