Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Hi friends! I hope this finds you all celebrating your mamas! For some this day can be sad if your mama has passed away like my grandmothers have, and for some it is sad if your child has passed away like I know some of my friends have experienced. For others it may be sad because you long to be a mama and have not been able to experience that wonderful relationship. However, whoever you are and wherever your emotions may take you today, I do pray God will bless you with a most wonderful day! I am a very fortunate lady in that I still have my wonderful mother as does Greg and I have 3 wonderful children to celebrate with. However..... for me.... IT WON'T be done TODAY! ;o)

My precious husband decided to plan a baptism today. He scheduled this baptism about a month ago and in his defense neither of us even thought about what day it was when he mentioned the date. So... instead of celebrating Mother's Day today we are going to celebrate something even more precious.... 3 people following Jesus in the waters of baptism. We are very excited and hope to have a great day. Please pray all goes well and we have no injuries or problems. I always get a little nervous when we have a lot of people around a pool that don't know how to swim. It will be hot today and I think most of them will be getting into the pool after the baptism. So all of your prayers would be appreciated! I have a house full of guests and our good computers are in the rooms where they are, so all I had was old pictures to put on here of our mamas. But... out mamas are pretty all the time so it doesn't matter when the picture was taken. Now Greg and I could be a different story. I love you all and hope you all have a great day! I will celebrate the Mexican way on Tuesday and we will eat somewhere special. I will let you know how everything goes! Love to you all!! Missy

Me and my parents at the airport in October of 2008

Greg and his mama at the airport in Jan of 2009