Monday, June 16, 2008

Making Annie laugh!

Our bath times continue to be very hard. Annie's screams are blood curdling. We have now found one thing that works. Greg's comic relief. This is the ONLY thing that can calm her down after bath time. This picture is of Greg looking into a jar of her medicine and pretending it is ice cream. He always says he is going to eat it and Annie always laughs hysterically. For those of you who think Greg is reserved, think again! Please pray that this time of day would soon be back to normal. None of us look forward to bath time anymore.

We had lunch with our next door neighbor here. She was a friend of ours before now and she and her family have been praying for Annie. Her little girl, Kayla played with Annie and it wasn't long before Annie offered to show Kayla and her mom her burns, ALL of her burns. This was the first time she wanted anyone to see how Jesus has healed her. She even took off her glove to show them her hand. I was amazed! She explained to them in Spanish where each burn was and said, "They are really nice to me, Mama." I count this as a huge answer to prayer! She doesn't even like to look at them, so for her to show them to others was really a big step for her. She is now beginning to look at her bad burns and says she looks like a pig. Then she just laughs. What she sees is the really pink skin that pigs have and that is where she gets that correlation.

Thank you for your continued prayers! I know she isn't dying and I know she will recover from this accident, I don't know when she will be completely healed, but I do know it is because of your prayers she is doing as well as she is! We love you all!


  1. I read your blog and sometimes I laugh, most of the time I cry...but I always praise God for what He has already accomplished. Please know our love and prayers continue to be with you. Annie is a special little one. God is using her in an amazing way.

    Love you all,
    Mr. Jim and Mrs. Laura

  2. so glad to see that sweet laughter back on annie's face!! i know it has to be "good medicine" for you guys!! we will continue to pray for bath time to get easier and annie to feel more comfortable in her skin again!! the pig comment is too funny!!
    love you guys!
    beth, david, leah grace, and bennett

  3. Missy and Greg,
    I was asked the other day by someone at church asking how Annie was; how your family is. Trust that we are perserveringin prayer. One might SEE the headling of the bodily wounds, but you are right--the emmotional healing takes much longer. I still see at 22 my daughter dealing with that emotional aspect. But when she is doing what God created her and gifted her to do; there is NOTHING more beautiful than that. Trust that God is still forming and shaping and healing Annie ... just as He did that 9 months in the womb; He continues to shape us throughout our lives. pssstt---did you know it's only FIVE days until G-mala? See you soon.

  4. poco y poco verdad?

    Our God is an awesome GOD.
    We continue to pray for Annie and all of you guys. Way to go Greg! Anything for "Daddy's Little Girl".

    Hope all goes well when you go to the annual meeting. We'll miss you in Leon. Tell all the gang from Costa Rica hola for us.
    Love ya'll,
    Jane and Alan

  5. ¡Dios es bueno! Los niños en Sojourn continúan orando por su pequeña hermanita.
    El Señor les siga bendiciendo,
    Miss Noemy, Costa Rica

  6. Annie, Request Moo Cow at Bathtime! It always made us laugh! Sorry Greg WE will never forget your talents!! :D

    Aunt Meredith, Marissa & Mason

  7. praise God for laughter and joy... and daddy's who can make it all better! :)
    i love you guys and continue to pray for Annie. sounds like things are getting better and better.. glory to God!

  8. oh and if the thought of piggy skin makes her laugh.. then oink, oink, oink away :):)
    laughter truly is the best medicine!

  9. YEAH ANNIE!!! I am so happy that you are able to share with others about this. I know it must be hard. We continue to pray for all of you. I LOVE to read this blog. I know soon that you will all be saying "remember how hard bath time use to be?" time. We love you!

    Julie, Mark, Drew and Hannah
