Monday, July 7, 2008

Having alone time

Sometimes being alone is just what the doctor ordered! I found Annie sitting in her bed this morning coloring in her devotional book. She was coloring pictures of what makes her scared. The picture was of screaming. She said that is what scares her most, hearing screams. She is doing well, but I have found that she likes to be alone lately. I think she is trying to sort out a lot of feelings. Please pray she will do just that.

I spent most of the day yesterday alone as well. I was trying to organize Annie's room. I had a lot of time to think about just how big our God is. At one point I was so overwhelmed at His goodness, I just stopped and prayed. Annie found me about that time and asked what I was doing. I told her and she said, "He takes really good care of me, doesn't He?" Ya know, I have said this probably a 100 times in these posts, but He REALLY has taken awesome care of us! I just continue to be amazed at just how much He loves us. We have been praying for a little boy who was diagnosed with cancer at age 5 months, he is now cancer free! We have also been praying for our associate minister of music at our church in Asheville, he needed a double lung transplant, he is now breathing on his own! Prayer really does work!! Thank you, all of you, for being part of blessing us!


  1. Thank you for sharing your testimonies. We love to read what God is doing in your lives. He IS so amazing!
    Love you all,
    Heather & Paul

  2. We are so glad that you are finally home! We will continue to pray for mental as well as physical healing - I know that it is hard to hear the stories and relive the experience. But our God who has so wonderfully healed Annie physically will also heal Annie and Missy mentally as well.

    Debbie Hendrix
    Jodeco Baptist Church
    Stockbridge, GA

  3. Dear Annie,
    I thank God for taking such good care of you. I would like to see some of the pictures you are coloring. I just know that each color makes you feel better.
    Remember that I am praying for you to be happy.
    I love you,
    Aunt Nancy
