Thursday, July 24, 2008

Having Fun!

Hi everyone,

Sorry I missed a few days. Yesterday we spent the day building relationships with two families. We had a picnic with them and played. Of course their idea of picnic and ours is always quite different, but it is fun! Annie had fun playing with Alexis (boy) and the boys had fun playing marbles and American football. I have been teaching my 2 friends some different exercises because they have be trying to lose weight with me. Of course I am no skinny minny, but I do know what exercises can help them. So, we exercised and the men hung out and talked. All in all it was a great day and we are hoping this will help these two men feel more comfortable about coming on Monday night. Last Monday, both of their wives came but the husbands did not. Please pray for Icho and Pedro. Icho is in this picture with Greg, we thought it was funny that he was wearing a T.C. Roberson Basketball shirt. ( High School in Asheville) I guess we gave him that at some point but I don't remember. Anyway, Go T.C!

Annie continues to have some pain on her leg when you touch her. Her little thigh looks like red leather. Please keep praying for this. Whenever someone is hurt now, she automatically thinks they fell in a pot also. I am having a hard time explaining to her that not all accidents happen the same way. She is excited because she is getting some new pressure garments next week and can't wait for a new glove. We started with 3, lost 2 during our travels and now we have the one skin colored one that she wears everyday. Needless to say, it isn't very pretty. So I am sure the new glove will be an exciting present! Who would have ever thought we would get excited about these?

Other than that, we are doing well and are looking forward to next Monday when we can see if our Monday night gathering will go as well as it did this week. We have been told by a few people that more will come this Monday. We will see!

1 comment:

  1. Missy, This is a wonderfull addition to your blog. I LOVE the pics of your 'people' because now, I can pray with visual insight. Love you all!
    Springfield MO
