Friday, September 12, 2008

Scared for Galveston

Hi everyone,

I would like you to continue to pray for Galveston and Houston. The people in this area are some of my favorite people in the world. I am really scared for them and am praying the storm will jog a little one way or the other so as not to hit them head on! Annie has been watching the storm on FOX news and is looking for the comfy couch house. She keeps asking, "Why does God let the water come so close to those homes?" We have assured her that they built that home very high so it won't matter if there is a lot of water.However, she is very worried about her Galveston home! Please PRAY!!
I am sure that probably all of those patients at Shriners hospital have been moved to other locations. That is scarey by itself, but imagine having to go through all of that and not speak English. I think I shared a long time ago that about 95% of Shriner's patients were from Mexico. While in Galveston, it is a little easier on the parents because they form their own little network among the other parents. However, as they are moved to other locations, they could be separated and I am sure they are scared! These are people who did not choose to come to America, their life chose that path for them. Now they are in a foreign country with VERY sick children and will be forced to leave the only little home they know. Please pray for them, pray that Christians would show their love to these people and make them feel less scared! Thank you!!
Now onto another topic, our poll. Greg didn't want me to put that poll on here because he said he didn't want this to become a political blog. HA! Not possible with me since I am not the political junky in the family. That would be my dear husband. So, it looks like McCain would win if it were up to those who voted on our blog. We shall see. I still won't tell you who I am going to vote for but I will say, I feel pretty good about the candidates that are on the ticket I have chosen! :o) Okay, enough of politics!
I also wanted to mention Annie. Since she is the reason this blog was formed in the first place. Annie is doing well! She still wears her pressure garment pants and glove everyday! We have done away with the sleeve and shirt parts because she doesn't need them anymore. Her back looks really good with only a little discoloration. We are very thankful for that as it is the part of her body most seen. Her leg still looks like it does in the picture below. It doesn't seem to bother her that she has this scar on her leg. She asks from time to time when it will go away. Of course I don't know if it ever will. We keep praying for that and that soon it won't hurt when you touch it. Please pray for the same. I wish I knew who all of you are so that I could personally thank you for your continued prayer support. It has meant a lot to me. More than you will ever know!
God bless you!


  1. I went to the Shriner hospital website and it did say that all the patients had be transported to other Shriner hospitals. I know that must be hard on all of them. My mom has gone north to visit a cousin and my sister & brother-in-law are "hunkering down" at home as all Houstonians were told to do so people from Galveston and the lower parts of Texas could have less traffic on the road for evacuation. I'm sitting here in VA praying for everyone in his path! God bless all of them!

  2. Missy, We too have been watching Fox or CNN about the storm today. I had heard that they had evacuated people from the hospital. I knew that was s concern of yours. I never thought about the language being a problem. This is such a hard time on everyone. I thought it was so cute Annie watching for a picture of your house. Speaking of her, the other day when you showed the picture of her leg, I couldn't help but thank the Lord again for the miracle of sparing her face from the burns. Thankful also that the doctors will come to Mexico in Dec. to check her.Will continue to pray that there will be more improvement by then.
    Will be anxious to see the news in the morning. It sounds like things will really be bad. Will keep in touch
    Love & Hugs,
    Mama Dottie
