Thursday, October 16, 2008

Life's crazy and LOUD!

Just thought I would share what life is like in my house. It is CRAZY!! The noise level is always very high, no carpet, we have tile floors, cement walls, and 3 kids. That equals a very loud house. They aren't doing anything wrong, laughing, singing, talking, and yes arguing, but it can make it seem like there is no place to go that is quiet. Then of course there is the life outside of our home that enters in as well. There are 2 homes on the corner and both have loud juke boxes that they play until about 2-3 in the morning. They play it all day long as well. There are people who make announcements throughout the day on extremely loud speakers. Announcements such as: Lupita has hot bread for sale, or Barbara is selling hamburgers, Juan from California says hello to everyone. These announcements go on all day and night as well. So..... my "quiet time" has taken on a whole new meaning. I have been trying to get up early every morning and read the Bible while it is somewhat quiet. I really struggle with this because I am NOT an early bird. However, that is something I am trying to do better. I really take for granted that we live in a place where we are free to do such a thing. I have been reading a book that is about a prisoner of war. I can't imagine going through what these people go through. Not to be able to read my Bible for any reason would seem like torture. However, I still find it difficult to do that each morning. This prisoner of war tries so hard to remember everything he ever read in the Bible to bring him comfort. It scares me to think of what I would remember if I were in that situation.

I need prayer for discipline. I want to make sure that if for any reason I cannot read my Bible, that I will have a lot of it already firmly implanted in my memory. I really can't live without having His words written across my heart. It really is the life manual that I need in order to make it through this life. So..... please pray that as I get up each morning that I will be more disciplined so that I can download God's word into this tiny part of my body called my brain!

Sorry for rambling, I just thought I would share with each of you a little part of my struggles in this life! Please also pray for those precious people who are putting their life on the line for us as they protect our freedom while serving in the military. Thanks for praying!


  1. Missy, Let's pray for each other for the disciplines of worship! I am on the wellness track...not for me, but so that I can better serve, be ready to serve at any moment. It's a big plan, but working on it. In so doing...I have a newfound HUNGER for spending time with God and in His Word. ... but yes, it is always a struggle. I'm praying for you now. I love your all!! Hug the boys, Greg and Annie for me.!

  2. Thank you to all of you who either commented or sent an email. I will be praying for each of you in your struggles and you can pray for me. I really appreciate all of your prayers! Love, Missy
