Saturday, November 8, 2008

Field Trip!

One of the great things about what we do is that we ALL are together ALL the time. Many people would probably see that as a nightmare, but thankfully, we really like being together! Today we took a field trip to a city that is about 2 hours away. We have been studying aqueducts that were used in Rome in the 1800's, and they built one in this city around that time too. So, we took a trip to see how they worked and the structure of them and what not. Next week we will be building our own aqueduct, I will let you know how that goes, it should be fun!
I will try and post some pictures I took today while there.

I was struck by many thoughts today. As we traveled the 2 hour trip, Annie went on her own trip. She went on a trip down memory lane. She was talking about her nurses. She now wants to be a nurse and thinks they are great people. (which I agree with) Ya know after the trauma she experienced I am really kinda shocked she has any good memories, but she does. I still have some sense of panic when we talk about or even think about that time in our lives. However, thankfully Annie has been given a gift from heaven, the gift of good memories! She was reliving every moment as if it were yesterday. She remembered each nurse and the things they said such as, "ouchies." She just kept on and on about different things and then said, " That was so fun." Okay, call me crazy, but if you look at the pictures, she doesn't look like someone who was having fun. ;o} That is when it hit me that when I look back and remember the pain, she remembers all the ways that God was blessing her. He blessed her through GREAT doctors and nurses. They are the people who she remembers and of course we will ALL remember the comfy couch house! That gave us more comfort and safety from the storm we were in than anything else. It is quite fitting that the comfy couch house didn't experience any damage during hurricane Ike! I just had to share this with you! So.... if you are in the middle of a storm in you life, just remember that with God's help, we can see that storm through rose colored glasses and one day that storm will pass and you will only remember how He helped you through it. Our God really is big!!

Psalm 55:22 Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall.

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