Saturday, December 6, 2008

Long Day!

We arrived at the hospital at 8:30 am. We took a number, #132 and waited. 8 hours later we were seen. 15 minutes later we were leaving. Needless to say Annie, Greg and I were very tired of being at the hospital. Although it was a long day, it was worth it. The Dr. said she looked great and he thought that in 3-6 months her scar which is still very red would turn skin color. She doesn't have to wear her pressure garments anymore, which is huge! I haven't mentioned her warts, but the way the dermotologist told us to take them off was causing way too much pain. This Dr. told us to use a razor and shave a little off each day and then wrap it in banana peel, so we will see if it works. ;o}

I have lots of pictures to upload and will do that tomorrow. Annie made lots of friends at the hospital and we heard so many heart breaking stories. We saw one little boy without any face. He had a little bit of a mouth, but that was it. Literally no face. Greg and I would just sit there looking at all of these 149 children all around us and couldn't stop thanking God that Annie wasn't hurt worse! We returned home and I had received the following email, prayer request from our friends in Africa. We heard many stories just like this one! Please pray for this family!

Friday morning a family of seven was brought into the hospital with severe burns. They were storing fuel in their home and it exploded when preparing to cook. The have burns anywhere from 15% to 55% of their bodies. Please pray for this family. It is very difficult to treat these types of wounds especially without water and electricity. The next few days will be critical in their chances of survival. Pray for healing and pray for wisdom for the staff as they treat him.

In His hands, The Pirkles

Thank you all for your prayers! Missy


  1. Praise the Lord that Annie is continuing to improve!! We rejoice in this great news!!
    I posted the email from Vance and Susan on our blog, too!!

  2. thank God theres a lot of bananas in mexico! :)
