Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Hi everyone, our days seem to be getting shorter and our work seems to be getting bigger. That means I am always tired! I woke up this morning and the first words out of my mouth were, "We don't have enough time" Greg said, " For what?" I said, " Everything!" That is how I feel, that no matter how early we start or how late we go, there just isn't enough time to see everyone, encourage them, and disciple them.
The above picture is of Salvador and Angelica. They were our first friends here. Salvador is an alcoholic. He has been fighting this battle for a very long time. However, now that his mom is dying, he blames God for everything and has given up on his faith. He has been drunk for the past 3 days and is causing his poor family a lot of grief. He needs a lot of prayer! Poor Angelica is trying her best to run the household, run her business, take care of her dying mother in law and deal with a nasty drunk. Please pray that God would make himself known to them all! Please also pray for Greg and I as we are running full speed ahead and still don't have enough time for everything. Love you all!

1 comment:

  1. Greg and all,
    Just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday. Saw it on the prayer calendar yesterday and am just now getting online. Hope you've had a great day Sounds as though Salvador is having a rough time. We will be in prayer for him.
    We miss you guys so much. Hopefully when your new director gets settled and the Mulholens get back from stateside we can come again to work with the children. By then my little ones won't be very little.
    Will pray for strength for all of you. Give everyone a hug from Ted and I. We love you all.
    Carol Webb
