Saturday, January 31, 2009

"Compared to what?"

This is a little girl in our village. She doesn't look very happy, and in my eyes I saw her as very poor. But... compared to Milienne who is pictured next, she has a good life. She may be hungry but she isn't starving and her parents may not have much, but her parents are alive. She may have clothes that don't fit very well, but she has clothes.

This is Milienne, she is 4 years old and lives in HAITI. She is 4 years old and weighs ONLY 14 pounds. She needs your prayers! If you would like to follow the ministry who is caring for her you can do so by clicking on this link,

Hello everyone,

I am at a loss for words, really. I have had Milienne's image in my mind since I saw it. The thing that has been going through my mind is something I heard at our annual meeting this summer. It went something like this, " I am so poor." Response, "Compared to what?" "I am so hungry." Response, "Compared to what?" If we look at our lives and our complaints and try to see our situation as cup half full instead of half empty, maybe our problems wouldn't seem so bad. I have been listening to the news a lot and it can get quite depressing. However, then I read how things are in Haiti and I think, we are all a bunch of spoiled brats! Me included! At our bible study last night I shared with our group how things were in Haiti. How this sweet 4 year old girl only weighs 14 pounds. 14 pounds. It is hard to wrap your mind around that. Our group who would probably be considered poor in the eyes of the world, cried out to the Lord to help those in Haiti. They prayed that God would bless those in Haiti and save them from their starvation. They said to us, " We have food and water, we have a shelter over our heads, we aren't poor." So, when I think I am living in a "poor" area, I have to ask myself the question, "Compared to what?" When Annie had her accident, it was made very clear to me that our situation can ALWAYS be worse. We need to praise HIM for all of our blessings. I hope I haven't sounded too "preachy" I just want you all to pray for this little girl and all of the ones like her in Haiti. They need a lot of prayer!

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