Monday, March 2, 2009

Sunday fun

Hi all,

I am missing my dog, I keep thinking she is probably crying a lot and that makes me crazy. I am hoping she will adjust well. We will go see her soon.

Yesterday (Sunday) was a really awesome day! We had planned an outing for everyone in our group.(church)We all brought our own food and had a Purepecha cookout. We played board games and soccer and laughed and joked. Greg taught about how important it was to get together as a church for the sole reason of having fun and fellowship. We had a few people come who have never attended and a few came who have not been in attendance in a long time.

Cesilia in the last picture here, seemed like her old self and had a good time. Salvador also came and although it seemed like he didn't want to have fun, he did. Annie got about as dirty as I have ever seen her and the boys enjoyed playing with friends, big and small.

I said that I would give you all an update on all 3 kids, so this is the update.
Jerod, who is 12, really likes to lead the children in activites during church. He doesn't like sports as much as his brother, but really loves to read! However, he is NOT popular among the older kids. (12-14) They are all bullies and not real nice and their mothers say, "We don't know how to teach our children how to behave." Duh... do SOMETHING! They just use that excuse and let their kids be how they will be. Which is generally not nice. So, he is really struggling with his role right now. I think our stateside assignment is coming at a good time for him. He really needs a break. Other than some mean kids, he does pretty well and really loves to be around Prisiliano. (new leader in the church)

Alex (almost 10)loves sports and is starting to love reading, but still really loves sports more than anything else. He really wants to be a professional football player when he grows up. Both Jerod and Alex will be on a homeschool football team in a league in Wake Forest,NC this fall. They are BOTH very excited about this opportunity!We are hoping this will be a good experience for them both. Alex loves it here and has no problem with the kids because he is still too young to be picked on. His personality is different and it seems to help him with the bullies. They leave him alone.

Annie (5) is doing great! Although she still has this part on her leg that is very red and still itches A LOT, she really is doing well. Her hand will never look completely normal because the skin is discolored, but she doesn't care. (we are still praying about all of the warts)She is our little princess and has a very big heart. When she hears someone is in need of prayer,that is just about all she thinks about. She has a very big heart for the underdog. Children who look different or of course those who have been burned, she just loves them sooo much. I know I have mentioned Clay, the little boy who was burnt. Well, Annie has decided that she wants to send him something to make him feel better. We are recording some of her favorite books on a CD and we are going to send it to him. It is so precious to hear her tell the stories and explain the pictures to him. She also wants to send him a special prayer blanket because she loves the one that was sent to her!

I know I got long winded but wanted to get you up to date on all 3 of my little treasures! Thanks for praying for all of us! We love you for it!!

1 comment:

  1. WOW! Inspirational. Have a safe journey and thanks for your prayers and concerns for Clay and his family. When I heard about this accident I immediately thought of you and Annie and your family having had some parallels.
    I mentioned this to my daughter that had asked me to pray for Annie following the accident last year and word got right to you.
    Angela and I have cried as we have been moved with the faith of a child as shown in Annie. Thanks for sharing.

    Jeanne' in TX
