Friday, May 29, 2009

Last Day of School!

I took this from the window of our car, so it isn't the best picture but it gives you a good idea of how they travel, and how the mountains look around us.

In the large city about 40 minutes away, we eat at restaurants that have play places like this. It is very common to have some kind of swing set or trampoline or something at almost all of the nicer restaurants. Annie is going to miss that. She met this little boy on the trampoline today and they became fast friends.

This is a man passed out on the sidewalk in front of our house. This is something our children see all the time. It doesn't even seem strange to them anymore. Annie thinks this is just part of life. She asks me why they drink beer if they know it will make them not be able to walk or talk. She says that they should know that it makes them act funny and do bad things. Most of the men who drink here don't drink casually, they drink until they can't stand up anymore. So sad.

Okay, is it possible that I am more excited than my children that tomorrow will be our last day of school? I mean, man am I ready to be done. I really love to home school, but I am really ready to be done for a while!
I am going to concentrate over the next few weeks on taking pictures of things we see and don't realize may interest you. No one gave me any ideas of what pictures they want to see, so I guess I will just have to use my imagination. Some of them are kinda sad, but they give you a good idea of what we see everyday.

Please continue to keep us in prayer as we are starting to realize how hard saying good~bye is going to be. We are going to struggle with this for quite some time I am afraid! Love you all!


  1. I can't think of anything specific for pictures. You have done so well. Just keep taking them of things around you, especially of things that are different from here, even if they are sad. Every snapshot gives people a little view into your world.

  2. Missy,
    Thanks for keeping up the blog. The pictures are great. The daily life ones are the best to me because it gives me a glimpse into what your life is like--so different from here! Shelby says to tell you that you guys are her favorite missionary family. She still remembers you from church!!!
    And YES--mom can be more excited than the student!!! We have been finished for about a week and just got some of our stuff for next year in the mail yesterday--makes me want to get started again--well just a little bit!!!
    Take care and we will be praying for you as you say good-bye to your friends--believe me, I know how heart sick that can make a person.

  3. Oooo... Stateside! You need to come visit us. We'd love to see you all!

  4. oh the first pic brings back some good memories! i rode in the back of a truck like that along with 11 other ywam'ers.. 2 hrs outside of Mexico City. we loved it.
    hoping to see you guys once youre here and settled. id love to have a sit down with you :)
    God bless you, Missy... i know the goodbyes will be hard, i cant imagine. do you HAVE to leave?? :)
