Sunday, June 28, 2009

Off to church

Sturdy storage boxes! What a deal!

Okay, so I need to hide the cords, but a tv, and 2 of those boxes for only $9? What a bargain!!Love yard sales!! It made going to Target a little less painful!! :o)

Understand my dilemma?

Hello everyone! Yesterday was a good day. We spent most of it at Super Target. They were happy I am sure! We left with 2 carts FULL. Of course I had many close to melt downs in the store. The hardest decisions were which shower curtain to buy, since they were pricey and which cheese to buy, shredded or in a block. ( I am used to shredding it myself) Shredded won! Anyway, we had a good time and definitely bought MOST of what we needed. Our apartment looks lived in and the boys are happy.

We did hit our first yard sales. Yes, it is true I hadn't even been here for 24 hours and we were at a yard sale! :o) We met some wonderful men who were in charge of selling their wives things. It was funny. We bought a small tv for the boy's room for $5 and these great wooden boxes for only $2 each!! We were amazed! The boys kept saying the people in our village would go crazy! We think about them a lot. We saw some furniture in front of the dumpster and we were guessing which friend would have grabbed it first. We miss them already.

So we are getting ready to visit an old friend's church today. I am sure we will have a lot of culture shock there! I will let you know how it goes! Love you all, I really do!! Missy


  1. hey next time youre at target or walmart, count all the different shampoos or cereal. you'll be shocked.

    be careful tho, while youre here. dont get sucked in!!! :)

    love to you all. i leave for mex on tuesday, cant wait!

  2. Aahh, I miss yard sales! Enjoy them for me! I also really miss Target! I am drooling right now!! ha ha!

  3. I don't know you but I LOVE reading your blog. My friend in Barbados got me started when we prayed for Annie in the hospital. You truly have a Christ-like love for "your people" in your missionary country.

  4. I am so glad that you are all still following me. I was scared I would hit the states and no one would read anymore! So, thanks for still reading!! ;o) I plan on calling our friends tomorrow. We haven't talked to them except for 2 times since we left. We do miss them! Love you all!! EWWWW..... the word below that I am supposed to type in is demons, what do you think that means? I am going to type something else and maybe I can get a new word. Weird!! Okay, now I got hesting, much better! :o)

  5. So which room did Greg put the dumpster furniture in?

  6. Missy,
    I completely understand your dilemma with Target/Wal-mart....I avoid it like the plague, even 5 months after being in the US -Too many choices and none of what I'm used to.
    And sales are awesome! God provided awesome sales for me so I could by clothes (since I needed office appropriate clothes) and a personal shopper - my sister Amy is awesome about finding deals and stuff that fits. God is an amazing God, no?
    Love ya!
