Wednesday, August 5, 2009


This was Jerod and Alex before practice yesterday. My babies are all grown up! :o(

This is Jerod and Alex 2 1/2 hours later. They were exhausted!

And after trying to get those white, I am exhausted too! :o)

Hi everyone! I know I haven't been posting that much but I kinda feel like my life has gone from exciting to quite boring. So, I really don't want to bore you! The boys are having fun and they are definitely getting a workout. As far as me losing weight watching them, that isn't going so well! :o( I guess I will have to try another strategy. Maybe if I eat while I watch at least my mouth would be getting some exercise, right?

I am missing home a lot! I dream of Mexico and my friends and I think of them constantly. I woke up this morning and tried to make myself hear the sounds from there. The roosters, the donkeys, the horses walking outside as the drag big trees behind them, the loud speakers as they make announcements all day long and...well, everything. I am homesick. Of course while I was there many of those things drove me crazy, but now, I miss them. Aren't I strange?
We went to Chick-fil-a for lunch yesterday and while we were there we met a wonderful Hispanic women named, Alma. Which means soul in Spanish. I asked her where she was from and she was so excited that I spoke Spanish she just beamed and said she was from Honduras. She said she had 2 daughters, 9 and 2 months. She wanted to be my friend and I have been praying for a friend who speaks Spanish, so I gave her my number and I will see if she calls. Please pray that this could be the beginning of a great friendship. I love you all and I will try to make this more interesting! I guess you just need to pray my life will get more interesting! ;O) Love you!!

1 comment:

  1. The boys may have been exhausted but they looked like they were very happy. There would not have been those bright smiles if they had expended that much energy mowing a yard!

    You are doing well to not have gotten homesick until now. I only have to be gone about 3 days and it hits me!
