Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Let it snow!

First sight of snow at a rest stop on the way up to Indiana. It was a few days old, but Annie was excited! She threw her first snowball!

Annie seeing her first REAL snow. She couldn't wait to go sledding!

Okay, so you can't really see her, but under that hat, is our sweet Annie, going on her first ride ever!

Going on a ride with cousins, Emily and Caroline. She loved it!!

This was her first attempt going by herself.

There she goes! Loved every minute!!

Prettiest snow angel ever!!

Hi everyone! It has been awhile since I have been on here. Sorry! I have been, well.... a little busy. ;o) We have had a wonderful time celebrating Christmas here in the US. We are so happy that we were able to spend Christmas with my family in SC and we are now able to spend some time in Indiana with Greg's family. Since Greg is done with his classes we are all enjoying a nice vacation! He did so well, making all A's that he deserved a vacation! He would probably kill me if he knew I was putting that on here, but, oh well, a little bragging on my husband can never be a bad thing, right? :o)

As you can see from the pictures above my prayers were answered about snow. I actually really prayed that if the Lord wanted to bless us, that snow would be a really neat way. So, I guess he did want to bless us! I was kinda hoping He would bless us AFTER we arrived in Indiana, however the storm hit while we were driving here. It made for a V E R Y long trip up here, but we were safe and we got our snow! :o) Greg and I actually enjoyed a LOT of snow the week before Christmas. We celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary that week. Our anniversary is in June, but since we couldn't really celebrate then, we planned our second honey moon for the week before Christmas when we knew we could get childcare. So, my parents watched the kids and Greg and I spent 4 days in Boone, NC. It was WONDERFUL!! There was a foot and a half of snow on the ground and we had so much fun taking pictures and shopping and watching movies and eating out and eating out and eating out! It was generally a ton of fun! I will post some pictures from that soon. Anyway, we are so happy that Annie is getting her chance at seeing snow now. This is her first time seeing snow and she is beyond excited about it! I will try and update this more in a few days. I have about 500 pictures I need to upload on here, but haven't had a chance. So I will do that soon. That way you can see everything that has been happening in our lives! Hope you are all enjoying your holidays!! Love, Missy

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